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1. Be sure you are registered to vote. Check the rolls. (For reasons why you might have been deleted from the voter rolls, see the rest of this website).
2. Find out who represents you.
3. View a Sample Ballot
Google “sample ballot Tarrant County” or
This site will also give you the voting locations:
Google “sample ballot Tarrant County” or
This site will also give you the voting locations:
If not registered get the form to vote here:
4. Learn about the candidates:
•LWV Google “League of Women Voters Tarrant “
Voters guide
(will be available right before voting, usually by early voting)
Google "who is running for office in Tarrant"
Tarrant County is the most populous county in the United States that is still red.
When Tarrant County turns blue, Texas turns blue.
Biden won Tarrant, Beto won Tarrant but about 5% of Tarrant County Democrats do not vote down the ballot.
When Texas turns blue there will not be another Republican President or Governor for a very long time.
Tarrant and Collin should turn blue in 2024. Denton and Collin Counties have moved a staggering 41 points to the left since 2000, shifting an average of 8.16 points to the left each four-year election.
Track your ballot if you vote by mail to make sure it is counted.
When Tarrant County turns blue, Texas turns blue.
Biden won Tarrant, Beto won Tarrant but about 5% of Tarrant County Democrats do not vote down the ballot.
When Texas turns blue there will not be another Republican President or Governor for a very long time.
Tarrant and Collin should turn blue in 2024. Denton and Collin Counties have moved a staggering 41 points to the left since 2000, shifting an average of 8.16 points to the left each four-year election.
Track your ballot if you vote by mail to make sure it is counted.