Cindy Stormer is endorsed by Beto O'Rourke, former United States Congressman and candidate for President and candidate for Governor of Texas. He won Tarrant County and has received more Democratic votes than any other candidate in Texas history.
Cindy Stormer is endorsed by United States Congressman Marc Veasey
Cindy Stormer is endorsed by: Wendy Davis, former Texas Senator and Candidate for Governor
Cindy Stormer is endorsed by the Honorable Opal Lee, Fort Worth’s own Mother of Juneteenth, a living legend, and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Endorsed by State Representative James Talarico -
the strongest voice in Texas against white Christian Nationalism.
the strongest voice in Texas against white Christian Nationalism.
Cindy Stormer is Endorsed by Former State Representative Lon Burnam, former Executive Director of the Dallas Peace Center.
Burnam has worked tirelessly for days fundraising for the campaign.
Burnam has worked tirelessly for days fundraising for the campaign.
Cindy Stormer is endorsed by Commissioner Alisa Simmons of Tarrant County, Former NAACP of Arlington President
Endorsed by Deborah Peoples, former Tarrant County Democratic Chair.

Endorsed by Tarrant County Young Democrats
Endorsed by the Tarrant County Central Labor Council AFL-CIO
“My experience with Mrs. Stormer began years ago when my 2 year old daughter was murdered in Cooke County and the current DA at the time did not move to prosecute the murderer in my daughter’s case. It wasn’t until Mrs. Stormer was elected as the District Attorney in Cooke County did my daughter’s case finally begin moving again and finally in 2005, my family finally received the justice that we all had been waiting for. There is no doubt in my mind, had it not been for Mrs. Stormer’s high level of integrity, ethics, and the desire to do the right thing, there would be another child dead at the hands of my daughter’s murderer.
Yolanda Blue Horse (Saager)
Mother of Jorden Saager
"During a twenty‑two career with the Dallas Police Department, I had professional association with many attorneys. Never did I work with anyone who displayed greater professional competence combined with devotion to duty than Cindy Stormer. I knew her first as a law enforcement officer who constantly strived to grow and improve her professional skills. This same desire propelled her to complete her undergraduate and law degrees while fully employed as a police officer. I had the opportunity to observe Cindy next as a prosecutor for the Tarrant County District Attorney's office. She was the lead prosecutor in a case in which an officer who worked for me was providing expert testimony. The case involved complex forensic issues. She was successful in that case in the face of opposition from a very experienced trial attorney. Finally, I had the opportunity to work directly with Cindy at the Dallas Police Department. She was the Chief Legal Advisor to the Chief of Police and supervised a staff of attorneys and support personnel. During her tenure, she improved productivity and morale of the staff. She dealt with a number of personnel issues and showed that she had the ability to make difficult decisions when necessary. She possesses the professional skills and character to serve you well."
Douglas D. Sword
Captain of Police (Retired)
Dallas Police Department
“It moved me nearly to tears to read this book* and learn that there are people like Cindy Stormer out there who are passionately making a difference to sufferers of mental illness. I know what it is like to be a victim of mental illness, but not what it is like to have a champion in the legal field. I can only imagine the lives Cindy has transformed during her many years of service to our communities. Thank you, Cindy, for the incalculable hours you dedicated to this comprehensive and exceptional reference. I hope that it becomes a primary resource for legal, medical, and mental health professionals, as well as public officials, and that it becomes the catalyst for change you designed it to be. I can’t wait until the day when, as you put it, all these professionals will ask themselves every day and in each encounter with the mentally ill “Am I making things better?”
Ken Dickson,
author of Detour from Normal and The Road to Amistad.
*BrainStormer Dealing logically, ethically and efficiently with the mentally ill and those with addictive tendencies, what is Wrong with the Criminal Justice System and How to Fix it by Cindy Stormer
“Bar none, you are the most intelligent attorney I have ever met. I remember the first time I met you. Kelly Puls introduced you and you were talking about testing the blood on a case to determine if a person might be innocent. What prosecutor was doing that then?"
"Cindy Stormer is a hard working, dedicated, and competent attorney. As the mental health District Attorney she worked diligently to protect the victim while assisting the defendant through service plans housing and medication compliance her work ethic is commendable. She is the type of attorney any organization would be proud of.”
Denise Campbell
Defense Attorney, Allen, Texas
Swift Justice!.
“Cindy Stormer is a national treasure. She paid her own way through college and law school working as a police officer. Ms. Stormer was an outstanding student who was highly respected by her fellow students, her professors, and her colleagues in the law enforcement community. Ms. Stormer taught government, criminal justice, and legal assistant classes for me in my role as department chair. Her student evaluations were strong and I observed her to be an excellent classroom teacher at the community college level. She is highly intelligent, well-informed, and related well to her students. During those years I was her supervisor, she also worked full-time as an assistant district attorney for Tarrant County. I know Ms. Stormer to be a hard-working, honest, and a strong leader. It has been my privilege to know her and work with her.”
Wayne Zatopek
Professor Emeritus, Tarrant County College
“As someone with 22 plus straight years as a prosecutor (including 8 plus years as a Dallas County Assistant DA) . . .I can state without qualification that Cindy Stormer has always been one of those well-respected prosecutors whose reputation precedes her. Before I ever worked directly with her at the Dallas DA's Office, I had heard on more than one occasion about how she had always been highly competent and completely ethical as a prosecutor. In working with her at the Dallas DA's Office, I observed first hand how well-deserved her stellar reputation was.”
Michael R. Casillas,
Attorney At Law, Dallas, Former Chief of the Appellate Division -
Dallas District Attorney's Office
“The war on drugs has been more of a war on the family. Cindy Stormer’s book shows another way to deal with drug abuse without it being 100% law enforcement. If we had been doing more with the medical profession as this book suggests then our prisons would not be full and tax payers cost would drop by a large number. The public at large should buy this book because it answers many questions about addiction that the general public does not understand. The writer seems to know about our legal system from her working in various facets of the law.”
Bob Massey; Minister; Gainesville, Texas on BrainStormer
“Cindy Stormer has done a tremendous job. I consistently receive compliments regarding Cindy from Opposing attorneys, judges, and co-workers. Cindy is excellent at striking the balance between handling issues on her own and notifying me of issues that I need to be aware of. Cindy truly has the goal of effectively representing the state in Mental Health cases. Cindy has presented to numerous seminars on a variety of legal topics. I could go on and on about Cindy’s tremendous qualifications and abilities. She cares deeply about her job and the individuals she works with. Her Division is the best. There are no problems there “
Russell Wilson,
Special Fields bureau Chief,
Dallas District Attorney’s Office
“Good work. Positive reviews. She always exceeded my expectations”
Russell Wilson
Former Top Prosecutor Dallas District Attorney’s Office
“You have gained state-wide and national attention with your mental health program, and your book is incredible. Of all the people that I supervise you are the one that I receive the most compliments on from judges, co-workers, defense counsel and others. I appreciate that you know when to handle things yourself and when to talk to me about things. You know just when to ask questions, when to come talk to me, when to shoot me an e-mail. You always have a good attitude.
Russell Wilson
President of the Black Dallas Bar
"I have personally seen Cindy Stormer in court trying many cases and handling appeals in the Appellate Courts. She worked alongside me for about four years in the Tarrant County District Attorney's office. She was always hard working, well‑prepared and an excellent advocate for the victims and citizens."
“Well, you would certainly be my choice for district judge. I can't think of anyone more qualified.
"I am in awe of the work Cindy does every day and the amount of work she put into this book*. My main reaction is WOW !! I agree with the premise, that way too many mentally ill or addicted people are in the criminal justice system. Prison should be for violent offenders, the psychopaths among us. We really need treatment and housing for the mentally ill, and a better way to keep guns out of their hands. I especially like the sections for prosecutors and defense attorneys and families. The families are so often poor and unable to understand or deal with the system. I always felt very sorry for defendants' families
Betty Marshall J.D.
First Assistant State's Attorney, State Attorney of Texas (Retired)
Former Co‑Chief of Appellate Section, Tarrant County District Attorney's Office
“You are the kindest and most humble person I have ever known. You literally are one of the smartest attorneys I have ever known. You and Lee are like Rock Stars to the defense attorneys. I hear people saying nice things about you two all the time. More so than any other prosecutor, you have studied and learned your area of expertise and know it well. You are always calm.
Dr. Dave Bunger, Attorney at Law Brenham, Psychologist
“I like Cindy Stormer. She’s a good lawyer. She takes care of business.”
John Read
Criminal Defense Attorney Dallas
“Cindy Stormer is a personal friend of mine. I know her to be hard working and honest. She has done a great job.”
Robert Fuller
Movie Star: Laramie, Wagon Train, Emergency . . .
"Cindy, I just wanted to add a note to tell you how much I enjoyed working with you. You were a strong and worthy adversary, but you were fair and reasonable. I thank you for the many professional courtesies you extended, and I look forward to working with you again someday.
Jerry Drake, Asst City Attorney Denton
“I have been blessed to know Cindy Stormer for several years . . .She works non‑stop, even weekends, with honesty and integrity that is so rare in today's public officials. She is against wasteful spending in our county government.”
Margie A. Felderhoff York, OD
York Eye Associates, PC
“I am a retired Dallas Police Officer who has known Cindy Stormer for over ten years. I respected the way she worked when she was the District Attorney in Cooke County. Violent crime began to drop in Gainesville shortly after Cindy Stormer became District Attorney. Stormer prosecuted a lot of old cases and started moving the cases faster. With less defendants on bond in the community there was a noticeable difference. There were considerably more criminals being sent to prison thanks to Stormer. Stormer is a hard working prosecutor that is not afraid to take on the difficult cases. She ran her office with a level of dignity and professionalism rarely seen in smaller counties. She is woman with high moral standards and a deeply ingrained sense of integrity and justice. Cindy Stormer is an asset to any cause she is involved in, whether it is volunteer work in her community or the practice of law on any level.”
Jim H. Colwell Sr.
CHL Instructor, Timber Creek Shooting Range
"I have known Cindy for over 25 years and have worked with her and observed her progress in her career. She can communicate with the investigators because she has been there and understands their concerns. With this experience in the criminal justice field and her life skills and work ethic, Cindy Stormer will be there in the courtroom fighting for truth and justice and your right to live safe and crime free..
Doug Whitehead
Former Sheriff, Wise County
”I wanted to say thank you for all your hard work. The mental health unit is amazing. You all have brought so much hope to families. You've prevented numerous crimes and saved countless lives. You all are very mindful of your actions and act in such a kind, professional, and loving way. You are all an inspiration to this office. Thank you.”
Jessica Brumm
Dallas Assistant District Attorney
“Cindy Stormer has intensive and extensive appellate and trial work and would stack up favorably with any prosecutor in the State because of the breadth of her experience. I worked with her when she was prosecutor. She has done everything and more than most prosecutors have done. She has an amazing knowledge of the law and a broad range of experience as a prosecutor. She has also done something that very few prosecutors have done by working with police officers as their in-house lawyer.”
David Chapman
Attorney at Law
"I have known Cindy Stormer for the last eighteen years. During that time, I have never known her to be anything but the consummate professional, both in person and in her work. Whether as an attorney for the state, city or the defense, she has always presented well reasoned arguments grounded in the law, not half‑baked theories that create bad court opinions. As proof of my belief in Ms. Stormer's legal talent and knowledge, I regularly referred my appellate work to her when she was in private practice."
David P. Ward
Riherd & Ward, L.L.P.
Houston, Texas
"I have personally observed Cindy Stormer trying jury trials as a prosecutor with the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office. She did so with a high degree of professionalism and effectiveness in the courtroom. I am aware that she has tried and won jury trials against defendants who were represented by prominent Tarrant and Dallas county criminal defense attorneys. Her knowledge of criminal law surpasses that of ninety percent of her peers who practice in that area. She was trained by the best District Attorney's office in the State. I also recall that she was one of the instructors at the Basic Prosecution course presented by the Texas District and County Attorney's Association in Austin when I attended the course."
Lynn Clanton
Attorney at Law, Fort Worth, Texas
Former Assistant District Attorney, Tarrant County
"I served as the first Assistant City Attorney for the City of Dallas from 1988 through 1991. During that period of time, I had the pleasure of working with Cindy Stormer. She was assigned as the Chief Attorney in the Police Liaison Division. She supervised seven attorneys and various support personnel. Of the some 70 assistant city attorneys that I supervised, Ms. Stormer was one of the most outstanding. She demonstrated an excellent knowledge of the criminal law which was very helpful to the day‑to‑day operations in the Dallas Police Department. She is a highly motivated, self‑starting individual who works long hours and has an excellent analytical mind, good judgment and common sense. Ms. Stormer taught regularly at the police academy and was one of the most popular instructors during her tenure.
Kenneth C. Dippel
Attorney at Law
Former First Assistant City Attorney
City of Dallas
“I am well acquainted with Ms. Stormer’s qualifications, both professionally and academically, as I have known her for over seventeen years and worked with her in a variety of capacities. She impressed me with both her skills as an attorney and her extraordinary ability to communicate with people. For a number of years, I was the director of the legal assisting program at the college, and during that time she taught virtually every course we offered in the program. When I needed an instructor, she was always my first choice because I knew that she would do a super job for us. She committed numerous hours to preparing detailed lesson plans, designing course materials, helping students who fell behind, and contributing to the overall development of the program. She was always enthusiastic about the opportunity to teach a new course, not for the money which was minimal, but because she truly loved teaching. In the evaluation process, she always received the highest scores of any of our teachers, even as she demanded adherence to the highest academic standards. In addition to our legal assisting program, has also taught political science for our department and has served as a guest speaker in several classes, including mine. Since she is bilingual, she has also taught English as a Second Language for our campus, giving her an opportunity to help a special population in our community to improve their skills.
Pat Ledbetter, M.A., Ph.D, J.D.
North Central Texas College
"Cindy Stormer and I have tried jury trials, including very complex law and one two week long trial. She tried many jury trials when she was assigned to the trial section. We won every case that we tried together. Having worked in both the Appellate and the trial section, she has a broad background. Her extensive Appellate experience makes her and even better trial attorney for complex cases. She is very well‑respected and well thought of in Tarrant County."
Elizabeth Horan
Attorney at Law
Former Felony Prosecutor
Tarrant County District Attorney's Office
"Cindy Stormer is that rare sort of lawyer: comfortable and powerful in the courtroom, and yet an excellent and persuasive appellate lawyer with unsurpassable research and writing skills. I have known Cindy since law school where she was as hard working and dedicated to her legal education as she is to her practice today. She is the kind of lawyer that you want on your side.
W. Scott Brown
Of Counsel to
Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
Houston, Texas
"I came to know Cindy Stormer when I was a felony trial attorney with the Tarrant County District Attorney's office. She was respected by her fellow prosecutors for her knowledge of criminal law, legal analysis and zealous advocacy. Her quality representation before the court of Appeals prevented dangerous felons from overturning their convictions and being released on society. Cindy Stormer's commitment to the people of the State of Texas, her talent as an attorney and her personal integrity make her an excellent choice of attorney."
Tom Bernstein
Attorney at Law
South Padre Island
"I was very fortunate to meet and work with Ms. Stormer. Ms. Stormer has authored many appellate briefs wherein she represented the State of Texas as an Assistant Criminal District Attorney. Her work requires analytical skills and her briefs demonstrate her exemplary ability in this regard. I have tried jury trials with Cindy Stormer when we were prosecutors in the Tarrant County District Attorney's office. Some of our trials involved victims that were seriously injured and complicated medical testimony. Criminal trials require a high level of communication skills with the jury, witnesses, the judge, and fellow attorneys. Ms. Stormer was well prepared for trial and continues to maintain her trial skills in her private practice. We were successful in prosecuting our cases. Cindy has an excellent character and her work ethic is to be admired. She is also very smart and knows the criminal law. Outside of her professional field, Ms. Stormer’s interest in knowledge is reflected through her foreign travel, self-study, or pursuing elective studies. She is dedicated, very intelligent, and an asset to any pursuit of knowledge."
Malena Calderon
Attorney at Law
Former Prosecutor
Tarrant County District Attorney's Office
"I remember Cindy Stormer's many years as an Assistant District Attorney at the Tarrant County District Attorney's office when I was also an Assistant District Attorney there. Her great experience in both trial and appellate work gives her immense qualifications. I also believe her work on both sides of the bar allows her better understanding of legal theories of prosecution and how to meet and beat defensive issues; her victories have and will continue to hold up under appellate attack. Cindy's character is beyond reproach and her work ethic without equal."
Gary Medlin
Attorney at Law, Fort Worth
Former Prosecutor, Tarrant County
"I have known Cindy Stormer since we both worked as Assistant District Attorneys in Tarrant County. She is remembered here as a tough and effective prosecutor."
Don Hase
Attorney at Law, Arlington
Board Certified ‑ Criminal Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization
“I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you I have an enormous amount of respect for you and your willingness to jump in and stand up for someone you know is going to be a lightning rod for hatred, fear, and all manner of public anxiety. It's not just respectable, it's brave as hell, and I'm proud to know you.”
Alison Grinter, Attorney Dallas (represented Crystal Mason)
"I knew Cindy Stormer well as a hard‑charging prosecutor. She knows the law, courtroom tactics and procedure. She later excelled at appellate advocacy. I enthusiastically recommend her as an aggressive advocate for victims and well‑qualified courtroom lawyer."
Edwin Youngblood
Attorney at Law
Former Assistant District Attorney, Tarrant County
"Stormer has accumulated multi-perspective first hand experiences, enabling her to write a detailed reference for professionals, a reassuring guide for he rest of us."
Larry Mayfield,
Author/Composer A Whisper's Shadow Apart
"I have known Cindy Stormer since she was a prosecutor with the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office. We have had jury trials against each other where she conducted herself admirably and very professionally at all times."
Santiago Salinas
Attorney at Law, Fort Worth
“I have worked with Cindy Stormer as an Assistant Criminal District Attorney in Tarrant County, Texas. I have tried a jury trial with her. She is a zealous advocate for law abiding citizens and a good effective prosecutor.”
Steve Bosser
Former Assistant District Attorney
Tarrant County, Texas
“I have known Cindy Stormer for 20 years having worked with her as an Assistant District Attorney for the City of Fort Worth. I know Cindy to be hardworking, dedicated and honest. When we worked together I observed that her relationships with others were marked by integrity. I have nothing but the highest personal and professional regard for the work Cindy does.”
Helen Dhooghe
Attorney at Law, Era, Texas 76240, Former Prosecutor Tarrant County
"Cindy Stormer implemented policies and procedures that improved the efficiency of the City of Dallas Police Liaison 100% during her tenure there as the Supervising Attorney. She is hardworking and organized. She is fair and not quick to judge others. It was a pleasure working under her supervision."
Anne Roland
Assistant City Attorney, City of Dallas
“I have tried jury trials with Cindy Stormer. She is an excellent prosecutor and an excellent attorney.”
Rose Romero
Former Felony Prosecutor
Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office
Hardest working person I know. She will be an excellent judge to get all those back cases worked. Vote for Cindy
S. LaVonne Cockerell
House District Manager
Tarrant County Democratic Party
“Better to have a wet nose than a kicked ass. I’ll trade you. Congratulations.”
Jerry Loftin
Renowned Criminal Defense Lawyer
Fort Worth, Texas
Commenting on one of Cindy Stormer’s first criminal jury trials
Cindy Stormer is an accomplished, hard working, and ethical attorney that I have had the task of arguing against in her capacity as an Assistant District Attorney in Fort Worth. She has always proven to be a worthy adversary as she sought to perform her duties as an
advocate for the people of Texas. Later, as Cindy's horizons expanded, I have known her to be involved in complex legal matters that have shown her tenacity as a lawyer for those she has represented. I have consulted her on numerous intricate matters for criminal appeals and I have always found her to be dedicated to her task and anxious to serve others in the legal profession. . . . matters entrusted to Cindy would be handled expeditiously, fairly, and by one with the proper temperament.”
Jim Shaw
Attorney at Law, Fort Worth, Tx
"Cindy Stormer was the first City Attorney in Dallas to be invited to attend regular executive staff meetings of the Dallas Police Department. She implemented procedures that resulted in more accountability on the part of the attorneys that she supervised such as: drafting the first Standard Operating Procedure for the Legal Section, implementing phone procedures that improved the efficiency of the office, establishing a lecture bank for academy instructors and cross training the attorneys to teach different classes; and improving the quality of the legal opinions. She revised the entire legal curriculum at the Dallas Police Academy which resulted in higher scores on the State tests. She was innovative in obtaining computerized research capabilities and upgrading the computer system in her section at no extra charge to the police department's budget. She is a highly qualified and experienced individual."
Les Sweet
Retired Assistant Chief of Police Dallas
Attorney at Law ‑ Dallas/Cooke County
"Cindy Stormer is truly committed to seeing that victims are afforded due process as well as the accused. Her academic and prior law enforcement experience make her an outstanding attorney."
Ronald G. DeLord
Attorney at Law
President ‑ Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas (the State's largest police association)
“I have known Cindy and her family in excess of ten years, in both social and professional capacities, and I have found her to be of the highest moral character. She has been an instructor at NCTC, a model citizen and has earned the highest respect from her friends, peers and the legal community. She has consistently set reasonable and realistic goals and has steadfastly endeavored to achieve each one of the. Cindy is articulate, intelligent, capable, and reliable.”
Thomas L. Claxton
Attorney at Law
“Like many prosecutors Cindy was intelligent, dedicated, and hardworking. What sets her apart from many other lawyers is the fact that she possesses important skills sometimes lacking in many in our profession. For example, because she was courteous, and knew how to delegate authority, Cindy was well-liked by every secretary in the appellate division. For similar reasons, Cindy was well-respected by members of the criminal defense bar.”
Retired Appellate Judge
“I have known Cindy Stormer since law school. I have had the pleasure of working with her at the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney’s Office as well. Cindy is a knowledgeable and aggressive trial attorney who has never let seemingly unsurmountable obstacles stop her.”
Fred Cummings
"Cindy Stormer’s Brainstormer is a must if you or a loved one are caught up in the criminal justice system, if you work in the criminal justice system, or if you just want to know what you can do to live in a safer society.
There is not magic, silver bullet. There is no one-size-fits-all plan. And there are not easy solution to some very difficult problems. But there are many possibilities we can all do to make life better, not only for persons with mental illness and substance abuse, but for our families and communities. But we cannot do it alone.
Surgeons and pilots have checklist and so should professionals in the criminal justice system. Cindy Stormer, the voice of experience, makes the labyrinth that is the criminal justice system in America much easier to navigate.
Cindy Stormer is the author of Texas Small Firm Practice Tools a law book covering sixteen specific areas of the law with step-by-step instructions on how to handle different types of legal cases. Now she brings that same “hands on” wisdom on how to correct what is ailing our criminal justice system and our communities. A must read for professionals in the criminal justice system (prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, counselors, social workers, etc.) and a go -to guide for the rest of us covering what those in the legal system need to know about handling the mentally ill and those with substance abuse and what the mentally vulnerable and their loved ones and family need to know about the legal system. Here are instructions for keeping non-violent offenders out of the prison system.
Dr. Dave Bunger, J.D., PhD.
Attorney, Psychologist; Dallas, Texas
“I always call you with bad news but I want to call you with some good news Because all those classes, that you put on him, the anger management, the substance abuse, all those classes that you made him attend, has really turned his life around He’s been staying clean and sober. He has his own apartment He hasn’t bothered my Dad who will be 91 next month. At first I said “Oh my God, he won’t be able to do all those classes. But he has been able to do them. They are drug testing him He has stabilized on his mental illness, he’s taking his medication, and he is just doing great. I just want you to know. Thank you so much, we love you. Keep on doing the great job. I know sometimes it is hard to make those decisions but thank you so much Cindy for caring enough to put all those stipulations on my brother. Because it has made his life totally different. Thank you again.”
Stephanie Marsh
“Before this case (murder of a child) I had no faith in the justice system, but meeting you and seeing that a person with your stature truly human and do have compassion has changed my outlook on the justice system. Seeing you so compassionate, putting yourself and your career on the line and seeing you work so hard to achieve justice has restored my faith once again. I was reluctant to even get involved as I was tired of dealing with it and emotionally it was just draining. But when we met the very first time and you put me on the stand, I realized that there was hope those little battles that were won helped me to fight the big war and together we all won and beat the evil one. So thank YOU Cindy for helping me regain the strength to once again fight a once thought, losing battle !!!.”
Holly Burkett
“A real answer to prayer! . . .You are an angel. Thank you for your diligence. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.. . .I will miss you and I cannot ever properly thank you for all you have done for my family and me, words are just not enough. God bless you for all you do to serve others. Thank you.”
Lisa Thorpe
“Serving as an Attorney Ad Litem for the abused and neglected children of Cooke County is not just another job to Cindy. She is genuinely concerned about their future welfare and best interests. She works hard and diligently on each assigned case knowing that these children deserve to be represented to the fullest. She has a high work standard which has benefitted the children and strongly believes that child abusers and perpetrators should be dealt with effectively. She will not hesitate to see that fair justice is delivered to those that need it. She freely gives her spare time to teach our CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) volunteers in the training we require.”
Cathy Kirkpatrick
Former Director Court Appointed Special Advocates of North Texas
Cindy went above the call of her profession and was very protective of me. This happened over 10 years ago and it still brings tears to my eyes when I think of it. My now ex-husband knew that I was at Cindy’s law office. He came there unexpectedly and was being verbally abusive with me, and yelling in the lobby. Cindy came out of her office and it was something that really was amazing, what she did for me. She very firmly told him that he was never to speak to me like that there or anywhere ever again. His demeanor changed to meekness after she spoke with him and he left ashamed. I needed someone to care for me because I was weak and vulnerable. She showed strength and confidence when I needed it most. I felt protected. Thank you Cindy.
Maggie Kimberling
“I will never forget your kindness and all of your help through a tough time in my life. You are one of the few people who looked at everything with an open mind and did not judge anyone without facts. You are a special person!”
René Turbeville
“Thank you for all your hard work & dedication in winning an almost impossible case. We both knew up front how difficult the case would be but you guaranteed me that you would work hard on the case and you kept your promise. It is now a published opinion that will help women in the future to protect their rights and the rights of their children. People in the same situation as I was can be helped by this case for years to come. You are someone who truly cares, somebody who gave me hope and had the same passion as I did to the case. You knew how much this meant to me. Thanks.”
Stephanie Ford
"You have been a true blessing to me. God had a reason for me getting you as my attorney and I thank him very much. Because he gave me a special person with a lot of compassion and understanding and a person willing to fight for what's right. I just thank you and again I could never say that enough... I appreciate everything that you have done for me and my children. I feel that you are a wonderful person, as well as an attorney. I would recommend you to anyone who wants a great and honest attorney. I want to thank you for all that you have done for me driving this long ordeal. I could have never asked for a better person or attorney to represent me. You have been a wonderful friend to me during all of this."
Cecilia D. Lewis
"Coty and I would like to let you know that we appreciate your efforts on his behalf regardless of how successful your efforts turn out. We realize that you were court appointed, and that court appointments are probably not an attorney's favorite case to have. This sincere and heart felt thank you is all we have to offer."
Debbie Lockridge
"I appreciate everything that you have done for me because without your dedication a huge part of my life would have been taken away from me. If I can ever repay you in some way just email me. Thanks A Bunch."
Michael Brown
"You have truly brought peace to all of us. I want to thank you again for caring so much and for all of your hard work. You were wonderful."
Cheryl Langston
"Thanks so much for taking such good care of me thru this nightmare divorce. I appreciate all your help and couldn't have done it without you. Also thanks to your secretary‑‑I know she had to hurry to get everything done in the time allotted. My hat is off for you both."
Yvonne Lowe
"No amount of money can pay for the miracle you are."
Coty Hess
"Thank you so much for your help in finishing up my case. I really appreciate the time spent (by you & Valerie) in preparation of the deeds. I learned a lot from you in the class you taught & have enjoyed the times I was in contact with you while I was working in the legal profession. Keep up the good work."
Lori Mollenkopf
"I wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk to me. You've shown me more than once you are a great person and an honest lawyer! It means a lot to me that you shared about your own experiences with children & parents that are masters at manipulation!! Keep up the great work!! Thanks so much for being a very straight forward lawyer & very sweet too!! I have my daughter thanks to you, and I will never forget that.”
Barbara Erlandson
“Cindy, I want you to know that no matter what the outcome of this appeal is, I truly believe you have done a magnificent job! I know you have knocked yourself out on this. I also know that you have went above and beyond what anyone else would have done. I will never regret having hired you. I will always have a warm spot in my heart for what you have done for me.”
James Garner
"Everything just keeps getting better for us. Just a big THANK YOU! for your help."
Scott Graham
"You are one of the kindest, most thoughtful caring people I have ever known‑‑not to mention intelligent, funny & a pleasure to be around."
Karen Partridge
"Thank you so much for everything you've done for us! You'll never know how much we appreciate it!"
Amy Martin
"I believe you are the best for the job. A very intelligent professional lady. You are not like the rest of the lawyers in town, that thinks they are better than some people. I have nothing but RESPECT for you in every way. I wish you success beyond the horizon. I'll never forget you. If you need anything please call. I'll be there."
Randy Bryant
"In the last six months, she (Cindy Stormer) has made more headway than the total of all her predecessors (previous Property Owner Association Attorneys)."
Bill Keating, Community Manager Lake Kiowa
As published in the Communique newspaper
“Cindy Stormer has been visible available, accountable and accessible in this county for many years. She is concerned about the people. She is fair. She is very well accepted in the community and the county. She is a grassroots person. She is knowledgeable enough to know that others may not understand complex issues so she will explain them to the people in a way that they understand. She listens. She knows how to make people feel comfortable. She believes in a power greater than ourselves. She was a mentor to my son Mark who became a Dallas Police Officer on her advice.”
Dr./Rev. Clarence Tucker
Former City Councilman
Gainesville, Texas
“Cindy Stormer has frequently held the position of acting City Judge in my absence. I have felt totally at ease putting her in charge of my office for periods of up to two weeks. She has the ability to analyze situations logically and precisely, and she communicates ideas well. She is articulate both in speech and in writing. She wrote the Bridgeport Police Department’s first standard operating procedures manual. Through the development and administrative use of police data and using her own initiative she compiled information and prepared charts, graphs, pin maps and cross files on crimes, accidents, and deployment of personnel that were most useful in the police department in upgrading procedures. She is one of the most honest, conscientious, and truly one of the finest people I have ever known. I would trust her with anything. She has always shown remarkable enthusiasm and sought perfection in everything she does. She is highly respected and admired by all of her friends and colleagues, and her conduct has always been above reproach.”
Peggy Kenyon
Retired City Judge
Bridgeport, Texas
“Cindy has an ability for originating new ideas and methods and strives for professionalism in all of her work. She was a supervisor and a valuable employee. I have felt comfortable in putting her in charge of many things that require a great deal of honesty and responsibility.”
Walter G. Dale
Bridgeport Police Chief
Yolanda Blue Horse (Saager)
Mother of Jorden Saager
"During a twenty‑two career with the Dallas Police Department, I had professional association with many attorneys. Never did I work with anyone who displayed greater professional competence combined with devotion to duty than Cindy Stormer. I knew her first as a law enforcement officer who constantly strived to grow and improve her professional skills. This same desire propelled her to complete her undergraduate and law degrees while fully employed as a police officer. I had the opportunity to observe Cindy next as a prosecutor for the Tarrant County District Attorney's office. She was the lead prosecutor in a case in which an officer who worked for me was providing expert testimony. The case involved complex forensic issues. She was successful in that case in the face of opposition from a very experienced trial attorney. Finally, I had the opportunity to work directly with Cindy at the Dallas Police Department. She was the Chief Legal Advisor to the Chief of Police and supervised a staff of attorneys and support personnel. During her tenure, she improved productivity and morale of the staff. She dealt with a number of personnel issues and showed that she had the ability to make difficult decisions when necessary. She possesses the professional skills and character to serve you well."
Douglas D. Sword
Captain of Police (Retired)
Dallas Police Department
“It moved me nearly to tears to read this book* and learn that there are people like Cindy Stormer out there who are passionately making a difference to sufferers of mental illness. I know what it is like to be a victim of mental illness, but not what it is like to have a champion in the legal field. I can only imagine the lives Cindy has transformed during her many years of service to our communities. Thank you, Cindy, for the incalculable hours you dedicated to this comprehensive and exceptional reference. I hope that it becomes a primary resource for legal, medical, and mental health professionals, as well as public officials, and that it becomes the catalyst for change you designed it to be. I can’t wait until the day when, as you put it, all these professionals will ask themselves every day and in each encounter with the mentally ill “Am I making things better?”
Ken Dickson,
author of Detour from Normal and The Road to Amistad.
*BrainStormer Dealing logically, ethically and efficiently with the mentally ill and those with addictive tendencies, what is Wrong with the Criminal Justice System and How to Fix it by Cindy Stormer
“Bar none, you are the most intelligent attorney I have ever met. I remember the first time I met you. Kelly Puls introduced you and you were talking about testing the blood on a case to determine if a person might be innocent. What prosecutor was doing that then?"
"Cindy Stormer is a hard working, dedicated, and competent attorney. As the mental health District Attorney she worked diligently to protect the victim while assisting the defendant through service plans housing and medication compliance her work ethic is commendable. She is the type of attorney any organization would be proud of.”
Denise Campbell
Defense Attorney, Allen, Texas
Swift Justice!.
“Cindy Stormer is a national treasure. She paid her own way through college and law school working as a police officer. Ms. Stormer was an outstanding student who was highly respected by her fellow students, her professors, and her colleagues in the law enforcement community. Ms. Stormer taught government, criminal justice, and legal assistant classes for me in my role as department chair. Her student evaluations were strong and I observed her to be an excellent classroom teacher at the community college level. She is highly intelligent, well-informed, and related well to her students. During those years I was her supervisor, she also worked full-time as an assistant district attorney for Tarrant County. I know Ms. Stormer to be a hard-working, honest, and a strong leader. It has been my privilege to know her and work with her.”
Wayne Zatopek
Professor Emeritus, Tarrant County College
“As someone with 22 plus straight years as a prosecutor (including 8 plus years as a Dallas County Assistant DA) . . .I can state without qualification that Cindy Stormer has always been one of those well-respected prosecutors whose reputation precedes her. Before I ever worked directly with her at the Dallas DA's Office, I had heard on more than one occasion about how she had always been highly competent and completely ethical as a prosecutor. In working with her at the Dallas DA's Office, I observed first hand how well-deserved her stellar reputation was.”
Michael R. Casillas,
Attorney At Law, Dallas, Former Chief of the Appellate Division -
Dallas District Attorney's Office
“The war on drugs has been more of a war on the family. Cindy Stormer’s book shows another way to deal with drug abuse without it being 100% law enforcement. If we had been doing more with the medical profession as this book suggests then our prisons would not be full and tax payers cost would drop by a large number. The public at large should buy this book because it answers many questions about addiction that the general public does not understand. The writer seems to know about our legal system from her working in various facets of the law.”
Bob Massey; Minister; Gainesville, Texas on BrainStormer
“Cindy Stormer has done a tremendous job. I consistently receive compliments regarding Cindy from Opposing attorneys, judges, and co-workers. Cindy is excellent at striking the balance between handling issues on her own and notifying me of issues that I need to be aware of. Cindy truly has the goal of effectively representing the state in Mental Health cases. Cindy has presented to numerous seminars on a variety of legal topics. I could go on and on about Cindy’s tremendous qualifications and abilities. She cares deeply about her job and the individuals she works with. Her Division is the best. There are no problems there “
Russell Wilson,
Special Fields bureau Chief,
Dallas District Attorney’s Office
“Good work. Positive reviews. She always exceeded my expectations”
Russell Wilson
Former Top Prosecutor Dallas District Attorney’s Office
“You have gained state-wide and national attention with your mental health program, and your book is incredible. Of all the people that I supervise you are the one that I receive the most compliments on from judges, co-workers, defense counsel and others. I appreciate that you know when to handle things yourself and when to talk to me about things. You know just when to ask questions, when to come talk to me, when to shoot me an e-mail. You always have a good attitude.
Russell Wilson
President of the Black Dallas Bar
"I have personally seen Cindy Stormer in court trying many cases and handling appeals in the Appellate Courts. She worked alongside me for about four years in the Tarrant County District Attorney's office. She was always hard working, well‑prepared and an excellent advocate for the victims and citizens."
“Well, you would certainly be my choice for district judge. I can't think of anyone more qualified.
"I am in awe of the work Cindy does every day and the amount of work she put into this book*. My main reaction is WOW !! I agree with the premise, that way too many mentally ill or addicted people are in the criminal justice system. Prison should be for violent offenders, the psychopaths among us. We really need treatment and housing for the mentally ill, and a better way to keep guns out of their hands. I especially like the sections for prosecutors and defense attorneys and families. The families are so often poor and unable to understand or deal with the system. I always felt very sorry for defendants' families
Betty Marshall J.D.
First Assistant State's Attorney, State Attorney of Texas (Retired)
Former Co‑Chief of Appellate Section, Tarrant County District Attorney's Office
“You are the kindest and most humble person I have ever known. You literally are one of the smartest attorneys I have ever known. You and Lee are like Rock Stars to the defense attorneys. I hear people saying nice things about you two all the time. More so than any other prosecutor, you have studied and learned your area of expertise and know it well. You are always calm.
Dr. Dave Bunger, Attorney at Law Brenham, Psychologist
“I like Cindy Stormer. She’s a good lawyer. She takes care of business.”
John Read
Criminal Defense Attorney Dallas
“Cindy Stormer is a personal friend of mine. I know her to be hard working and honest. She has done a great job.”
Robert Fuller
Movie Star: Laramie, Wagon Train, Emergency . . .
"Cindy, I just wanted to add a note to tell you how much I enjoyed working with you. You were a strong and worthy adversary, but you were fair and reasonable. I thank you for the many professional courtesies you extended, and I look forward to working with you again someday.
Jerry Drake, Asst City Attorney Denton
“I have been blessed to know Cindy Stormer for several years . . .She works non‑stop, even weekends, with honesty and integrity that is so rare in today's public officials. She is against wasteful spending in our county government.”
Margie A. Felderhoff York, OD
York Eye Associates, PC
“I am a retired Dallas Police Officer who has known Cindy Stormer for over ten years. I respected the way she worked when she was the District Attorney in Cooke County. Violent crime began to drop in Gainesville shortly after Cindy Stormer became District Attorney. Stormer prosecuted a lot of old cases and started moving the cases faster. With less defendants on bond in the community there was a noticeable difference. There were considerably more criminals being sent to prison thanks to Stormer. Stormer is a hard working prosecutor that is not afraid to take on the difficult cases. She ran her office with a level of dignity and professionalism rarely seen in smaller counties. She is woman with high moral standards and a deeply ingrained sense of integrity and justice. Cindy Stormer is an asset to any cause she is involved in, whether it is volunteer work in her community or the practice of law on any level.”
Jim H. Colwell Sr.
CHL Instructor, Timber Creek Shooting Range
"I have known Cindy for over 25 years and have worked with her and observed her progress in her career. She can communicate with the investigators because she has been there and understands their concerns. With this experience in the criminal justice field and her life skills and work ethic, Cindy Stormer will be there in the courtroom fighting for truth and justice and your right to live safe and crime free..
Doug Whitehead
Former Sheriff, Wise County
”I wanted to say thank you for all your hard work. The mental health unit is amazing. You all have brought so much hope to families. You've prevented numerous crimes and saved countless lives. You all are very mindful of your actions and act in such a kind, professional, and loving way. You are all an inspiration to this office. Thank you.”
Jessica Brumm
Dallas Assistant District Attorney
“Cindy Stormer has intensive and extensive appellate and trial work and would stack up favorably with any prosecutor in the State because of the breadth of her experience. I worked with her when she was prosecutor. She has done everything and more than most prosecutors have done. She has an amazing knowledge of the law and a broad range of experience as a prosecutor. She has also done something that very few prosecutors have done by working with police officers as their in-house lawyer.”
David Chapman
Attorney at Law
"I have known Cindy Stormer for the last eighteen years. During that time, I have never known her to be anything but the consummate professional, both in person and in her work. Whether as an attorney for the state, city or the defense, she has always presented well reasoned arguments grounded in the law, not half‑baked theories that create bad court opinions. As proof of my belief in Ms. Stormer's legal talent and knowledge, I regularly referred my appellate work to her when she was in private practice."
David P. Ward
Riherd & Ward, L.L.P.
Houston, Texas
"I have personally observed Cindy Stormer trying jury trials as a prosecutor with the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office. She did so with a high degree of professionalism and effectiveness in the courtroom. I am aware that she has tried and won jury trials against defendants who were represented by prominent Tarrant and Dallas county criminal defense attorneys. Her knowledge of criminal law surpasses that of ninety percent of her peers who practice in that area. She was trained by the best District Attorney's office in the State. I also recall that she was one of the instructors at the Basic Prosecution course presented by the Texas District and County Attorney's Association in Austin when I attended the course."
Lynn Clanton
Attorney at Law, Fort Worth, Texas
Former Assistant District Attorney, Tarrant County
"I served as the first Assistant City Attorney for the City of Dallas from 1988 through 1991. During that period of time, I had the pleasure of working with Cindy Stormer. She was assigned as the Chief Attorney in the Police Liaison Division. She supervised seven attorneys and various support personnel. Of the some 70 assistant city attorneys that I supervised, Ms. Stormer was one of the most outstanding. She demonstrated an excellent knowledge of the criminal law which was very helpful to the day‑to‑day operations in the Dallas Police Department. She is a highly motivated, self‑starting individual who works long hours and has an excellent analytical mind, good judgment and common sense. Ms. Stormer taught regularly at the police academy and was one of the most popular instructors during her tenure.
Kenneth C. Dippel
Attorney at Law
Former First Assistant City Attorney
City of Dallas
“I am well acquainted with Ms. Stormer’s qualifications, both professionally and academically, as I have known her for over seventeen years and worked with her in a variety of capacities. She impressed me with both her skills as an attorney and her extraordinary ability to communicate with people. For a number of years, I was the director of the legal assisting program at the college, and during that time she taught virtually every course we offered in the program. When I needed an instructor, she was always my first choice because I knew that she would do a super job for us. She committed numerous hours to preparing detailed lesson plans, designing course materials, helping students who fell behind, and contributing to the overall development of the program. She was always enthusiastic about the opportunity to teach a new course, not for the money which was minimal, but because she truly loved teaching. In the evaluation process, she always received the highest scores of any of our teachers, even as she demanded adherence to the highest academic standards. In addition to our legal assisting program, has also taught political science for our department and has served as a guest speaker in several classes, including mine. Since she is bilingual, she has also taught English as a Second Language for our campus, giving her an opportunity to help a special population in our community to improve their skills.
Pat Ledbetter, M.A., Ph.D, J.D.
North Central Texas College
"Cindy Stormer and I have tried jury trials, including very complex law and one two week long trial. She tried many jury trials when she was assigned to the trial section. We won every case that we tried together. Having worked in both the Appellate and the trial section, she has a broad background. Her extensive Appellate experience makes her and even better trial attorney for complex cases. She is very well‑respected and well thought of in Tarrant County."
Elizabeth Horan
Attorney at Law
Former Felony Prosecutor
Tarrant County District Attorney's Office
"Cindy Stormer is that rare sort of lawyer: comfortable and powerful in the courtroom, and yet an excellent and persuasive appellate lawyer with unsurpassable research and writing skills. I have known Cindy since law school where she was as hard working and dedicated to her legal education as she is to her practice today. She is the kind of lawyer that you want on your side.
W. Scott Brown
Of Counsel to
Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
Houston, Texas
"I came to know Cindy Stormer when I was a felony trial attorney with the Tarrant County District Attorney's office. She was respected by her fellow prosecutors for her knowledge of criminal law, legal analysis and zealous advocacy. Her quality representation before the court of Appeals prevented dangerous felons from overturning their convictions and being released on society. Cindy Stormer's commitment to the people of the State of Texas, her talent as an attorney and her personal integrity make her an excellent choice of attorney."
Tom Bernstein
Attorney at Law
South Padre Island
"I was very fortunate to meet and work with Ms. Stormer. Ms. Stormer has authored many appellate briefs wherein she represented the State of Texas as an Assistant Criminal District Attorney. Her work requires analytical skills and her briefs demonstrate her exemplary ability in this regard. I have tried jury trials with Cindy Stormer when we were prosecutors in the Tarrant County District Attorney's office. Some of our trials involved victims that were seriously injured and complicated medical testimony. Criminal trials require a high level of communication skills with the jury, witnesses, the judge, and fellow attorneys. Ms. Stormer was well prepared for trial and continues to maintain her trial skills in her private practice. We were successful in prosecuting our cases. Cindy has an excellent character and her work ethic is to be admired. She is also very smart and knows the criminal law. Outside of her professional field, Ms. Stormer’s interest in knowledge is reflected through her foreign travel, self-study, or pursuing elective studies. She is dedicated, very intelligent, and an asset to any pursuit of knowledge."
Malena Calderon
Attorney at Law
Former Prosecutor
Tarrant County District Attorney's Office
"I remember Cindy Stormer's many years as an Assistant District Attorney at the Tarrant County District Attorney's office when I was also an Assistant District Attorney there. Her great experience in both trial and appellate work gives her immense qualifications. I also believe her work on both sides of the bar allows her better understanding of legal theories of prosecution and how to meet and beat defensive issues; her victories have and will continue to hold up under appellate attack. Cindy's character is beyond reproach and her work ethic without equal."
Gary Medlin
Attorney at Law, Fort Worth
Former Prosecutor, Tarrant County
"I have known Cindy Stormer since we both worked as Assistant District Attorneys in Tarrant County. She is remembered here as a tough and effective prosecutor."
Don Hase
Attorney at Law, Arlington
Board Certified ‑ Criminal Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization
“I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you I have an enormous amount of respect for you and your willingness to jump in and stand up for someone you know is going to be a lightning rod for hatred, fear, and all manner of public anxiety. It's not just respectable, it's brave as hell, and I'm proud to know you.”
Alison Grinter, Attorney Dallas (represented Crystal Mason)
"I knew Cindy Stormer well as a hard‑charging prosecutor. She knows the law, courtroom tactics and procedure. She later excelled at appellate advocacy. I enthusiastically recommend her as an aggressive advocate for victims and well‑qualified courtroom lawyer."
Edwin Youngblood
Attorney at Law
Former Assistant District Attorney, Tarrant County
"Stormer has accumulated multi-perspective first hand experiences, enabling her to write a detailed reference for professionals, a reassuring guide for he rest of us."
Larry Mayfield,
Author/Composer A Whisper's Shadow Apart
"I have known Cindy Stormer since she was a prosecutor with the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office. We have had jury trials against each other where she conducted herself admirably and very professionally at all times."
Santiago Salinas
Attorney at Law, Fort Worth
“I have worked with Cindy Stormer as an Assistant Criminal District Attorney in Tarrant County, Texas. I have tried a jury trial with her. She is a zealous advocate for law abiding citizens and a good effective prosecutor.”
Steve Bosser
Former Assistant District Attorney
Tarrant County, Texas
“I have known Cindy Stormer for 20 years having worked with her as an Assistant District Attorney for the City of Fort Worth. I know Cindy to be hardworking, dedicated and honest. When we worked together I observed that her relationships with others were marked by integrity. I have nothing but the highest personal and professional regard for the work Cindy does.”
Helen Dhooghe
Attorney at Law, Era, Texas 76240, Former Prosecutor Tarrant County
"Cindy Stormer implemented policies and procedures that improved the efficiency of the City of Dallas Police Liaison 100% during her tenure there as the Supervising Attorney. She is hardworking and organized. She is fair and not quick to judge others. It was a pleasure working under her supervision."
Anne Roland
Assistant City Attorney, City of Dallas
“I have tried jury trials with Cindy Stormer. She is an excellent prosecutor and an excellent attorney.”
Rose Romero
Former Felony Prosecutor
Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office
Hardest working person I know. She will be an excellent judge to get all those back cases worked. Vote for Cindy
S. LaVonne Cockerell
House District Manager
Tarrant County Democratic Party
“Better to have a wet nose than a kicked ass. I’ll trade you. Congratulations.”
Jerry Loftin
Renowned Criminal Defense Lawyer
Fort Worth, Texas
Commenting on one of Cindy Stormer’s first criminal jury trials
Cindy Stormer is an accomplished, hard working, and ethical attorney that I have had the task of arguing against in her capacity as an Assistant District Attorney in Fort Worth. She has always proven to be a worthy adversary as she sought to perform her duties as an
advocate for the people of Texas. Later, as Cindy's horizons expanded, I have known her to be involved in complex legal matters that have shown her tenacity as a lawyer for those she has represented. I have consulted her on numerous intricate matters for criminal appeals and I have always found her to be dedicated to her task and anxious to serve others in the legal profession. . . . matters entrusted to Cindy would be handled expeditiously, fairly, and by one with the proper temperament.”
Jim Shaw
Attorney at Law, Fort Worth, Tx
"Cindy Stormer was the first City Attorney in Dallas to be invited to attend regular executive staff meetings of the Dallas Police Department. She implemented procedures that resulted in more accountability on the part of the attorneys that she supervised such as: drafting the first Standard Operating Procedure for the Legal Section, implementing phone procedures that improved the efficiency of the office, establishing a lecture bank for academy instructors and cross training the attorneys to teach different classes; and improving the quality of the legal opinions. She revised the entire legal curriculum at the Dallas Police Academy which resulted in higher scores on the State tests. She was innovative in obtaining computerized research capabilities and upgrading the computer system in her section at no extra charge to the police department's budget. She is a highly qualified and experienced individual."
Les Sweet
Retired Assistant Chief of Police Dallas
Attorney at Law ‑ Dallas/Cooke County
"Cindy Stormer is truly committed to seeing that victims are afforded due process as well as the accused. Her academic and prior law enforcement experience make her an outstanding attorney."
Ronald G. DeLord
Attorney at Law
President ‑ Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas (the State's largest police association)
“I have known Cindy and her family in excess of ten years, in both social and professional capacities, and I have found her to be of the highest moral character. She has been an instructor at NCTC, a model citizen and has earned the highest respect from her friends, peers and the legal community. She has consistently set reasonable and realistic goals and has steadfastly endeavored to achieve each one of the. Cindy is articulate, intelligent, capable, and reliable.”
Thomas L. Claxton
Attorney at Law
“Like many prosecutors Cindy was intelligent, dedicated, and hardworking. What sets her apart from many other lawyers is the fact that she possesses important skills sometimes lacking in many in our profession. For example, because she was courteous, and knew how to delegate authority, Cindy was well-liked by every secretary in the appellate division. For similar reasons, Cindy was well-respected by members of the criminal defense bar.”
Retired Appellate Judge
“I have known Cindy Stormer since law school. I have had the pleasure of working with her at the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney’s Office as well. Cindy is a knowledgeable and aggressive trial attorney who has never let seemingly unsurmountable obstacles stop her.”
Fred Cummings
"Cindy Stormer’s Brainstormer is a must if you or a loved one are caught up in the criminal justice system, if you work in the criminal justice system, or if you just want to know what you can do to live in a safer society.
There is not magic, silver bullet. There is no one-size-fits-all plan. And there are not easy solution to some very difficult problems. But there are many possibilities we can all do to make life better, not only for persons with mental illness and substance abuse, but for our families and communities. But we cannot do it alone.
Surgeons and pilots have checklist and so should professionals in the criminal justice system. Cindy Stormer, the voice of experience, makes the labyrinth that is the criminal justice system in America much easier to navigate.
Cindy Stormer is the author of Texas Small Firm Practice Tools a law book covering sixteen specific areas of the law with step-by-step instructions on how to handle different types of legal cases. Now she brings that same “hands on” wisdom on how to correct what is ailing our criminal justice system and our communities. A must read for professionals in the criminal justice system (prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, counselors, social workers, etc.) and a go -to guide for the rest of us covering what those in the legal system need to know about handling the mentally ill and those with substance abuse and what the mentally vulnerable and their loved ones and family need to know about the legal system. Here are instructions for keeping non-violent offenders out of the prison system.
Dr. Dave Bunger, J.D., PhD.
Attorney, Psychologist; Dallas, Texas
“I always call you with bad news but I want to call you with some good news Because all those classes, that you put on him, the anger management, the substance abuse, all those classes that you made him attend, has really turned his life around He’s been staying clean and sober. He has his own apartment He hasn’t bothered my Dad who will be 91 next month. At first I said “Oh my God, he won’t be able to do all those classes. But he has been able to do them. They are drug testing him He has stabilized on his mental illness, he’s taking his medication, and he is just doing great. I just want you to know. Thank you so much, we love you. Keep on doing the great job. I know sometimes it is hard to make those decisions but thank you so much Cindy for caring enough to put all those stipulations on my brother. Because it has made his life totally different. Thank you again.”
Stephanie Marsh
“Before this case (murder of a child) I had no faith in the justice system, but meeting you and seeing that a person with your stature truly human and do have compassion has changed my outlook on the justice system. Seeing you so compassionate, putting yourself and your career on the line and seeing you work so hard to achieve justice has restored my faith once again. I was reluctant to even get involved as I was tired of dealing with it and emotionally it was just draining. But when we met the very first time and you put me on the stand, I realized that there was hope those little battles that were won helped me to fight the big war and together we all won and beat the evil one. So thank YOU Cindy for helping me regain the strength to once again fight a once thought, losing battle !!!.”
Holly Burkett
“A real answer to prayer! . . .You are an angel. Thank you for your diligence. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.. . .I will miss you and I cannot ever properly thank you for all you have done for my family and me, words are just not enough. God bless you for all you do to serve others. Thank you.”
Lisa Thorpe
“Serving as an Attorney Ad Litem for the abused and neglected children of Cooke County is not just another job to Cindy. She is genuinely concerned about their future welfare and best interests. She works hard and diligently on each assigned case knowing that these children deserve to be represented to the fullest. She has a high work standard which has benefitted the children and strongly believes that child abusers and perpetrators should be dealt with effectively. She will not hesitate to see that fair justice is delivered to those that need it. She freely gives her spare time to teach our CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) volunteers in the training we require.”
Cathy Kirkpatrick
Former Director Court Appointed Special Advocates of North Texas
Cindy went above the call of her profession and was very protective of me. This happened over 10 years ago and it still brings tears to my eyes when I think of it. My now ex-husband knew that I was at Cindy’s law office. He came there unexpectedly and was being verbally abusive with me, and yelling in the lobby. Cindy came out of her office and it was something that really was amazing, what she did for me. She very firmly told him that he was never to speak to me like that there or anywhere ever again. His demeanor changed to meekness after she spoke with him and he left ashamed. I needed someone to care for me because I was weak and vulnerable. She showed strength and confidence when I needed it most. I felt protected. Thank you Cindy.
Maggie Kimberling
“I will never forget your kindness and all of your help through a tough time in my life. You are one of the few people who looked at everything with an open mind and did not judge anyone without facts. You are a special person!”
René Turbeville
“Thank you for all your hard work & dedication in winning an almost impossible case. We both knew up front how difficult the case would be but you guaranteed me that you would work hard on the case and you kept your promise. It is now a published opinion that will help women in the future to protect their rights and the rights of their children. People in the same situation as I was can be helped by this case for years to come. You are someone who truly cares, somebody who gave me hope and had the same passion as I did to the case. You knew how much this meant to me. Thanks.”
Stephanie Ford
"You have been a true blessing to me. God had a reason for me getting you as my attorney and I thank him very much. Because he gave me a special person with a lot of compassion and understanding and a person willing to fight for what's right. I just thank you and again I could never say that enough... I appreciate everything that you have done for me and my children. I feel that you are a wonderful person, as well as an attorney. I would recommend you to anyone who wants a great and honest attorney. I want to thank you for all that you have done for me driving this long ordeal. I could have never asked for a better person or attorney to represent me. You have been a wonderful friend to me during all of this."
Cecilia D. Lewis
"Coty and I would like to let you know that we appreciate your efforts on his behalf regardless of how successful your efforts turn out. We realize that you were court appointed, and that court appointments are probably not an attorney's favorite case to have. This sincere and heart felt thank you is all we have to offer."
Debbie Lockridge
"I appreciate everything that you have done for me because without your dedication a huge part of my life would have been taken away from me. If I can ever repay you in some way just email me. Thanks A Bunch."
Michael Brown
"You have truly brought peace to all of us. I want to thank you again for caring so much and for all of your hard work. You were wonderful."
Cheryl Langston
"Thanks so much for taking such good care of me thru this nightmare divorce. I appreciate all your help and couldn't have done it without you. Also thanks to your secretary‑‑I know she had to hurry to get everything done in the time allotted. My hat is off for you both."
Yvonne Lowe
"No amount of money can pay for the miracle you are."
Coty Hess
"Thank you so much for your help in finishing up my case. I really appreciate the time spent (by you & Valerie) in preparation of the deeds. I learned a lot from you in the class you taught & have enjoyed the times I was in contact with you while I was working in the legal profession. Keep up the good work."
Lori Mollenkopf
"I wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk to me. You've shown me more than once you are a great person and an honest lawyer! It means a lot to me that you shared about your own experiences with children & parents that are masters at manipulation!! Keep up the great work!! Thanks so much for being a very straight forward lawyer & very sweet too!! I have my daughter thanks to you, and I will never forget that.”
Barbara Erlandson
“Cindy, I want you to know that no matter what the outcome of this appeal is, I truly believe you have done a magnificent job! I know you have knocked yourself out on this. I also know that you have went above and beyond what anyone else would have done. I will never regret having hired you. I will always have a warm spot in my heart for what you have done for me.”
James Garner
"Everything just keeps getting better for us. Just a big THANK YOU! for your help."
Scott Graham
"You are one of the kindest, most thoughtful caring people I have ever known‑‑not to mention intelligent, funny & a pleasure to be around."
Karen Partridge
"Thank you so much for everything you've done for us! You'll never know how much we appreciate it!"
Amy Martin
"I believe you are the best for the job. A very intelligent professional lady. You are not like the rest of the lawyers in town, that thinks they are better than some people. I have nothing but RESPECT for you in every way. I wish you success beyond the horizon. I'll never forget you. If you need anything please call. I'll be there."
Randy Bryant
"In the last six months, she (Cindy Stormer) has made more headway than the total of all her predecessors (previous Property Owner Association Attorneys)."
Bill Keating, Community Manager Lake Kiowa
As published in the Communique newspaper
“Cindy Stormer has been visible available, accountable and accessible in this county for many years. She is concerned about the people. She is fair. She is very well accepted in the community and the county. She is a grassroots person. She is knowledgeable enough to know that others may not understand complex issues so she will explain them to the people in a way that they understand. She listens. She knows how to make people feel comfortable. She believes in a power greater than ourselves. She was a mentor to my son Mark who became a Dallas Police Officer on her advice.”
Dr./Rev. Clarence Tucker
Former City Councilman
Gainesville, Texas
“Cindy Stormer has frequently held the position of acting City Judge in my absence. I have felt totally at ease putting her in charge of my office for periods of up to two weeks. She has the ability to analyze situations logically and precisely, and she communicates ideas well. She is articulate both in speech and in writing. She wrote the Bridgeport Police Department’s first standard operating procedures manual. Through the development and administrative use of police data and using her own initiative she compiled information and prepared charts, graphs, pin maps and cross files on crimes, accidents, and deployment of personnel that were most useful in the police department in upgrading procedures. She is one of the most honest, conscientious, and truly one of the finest people I have ever known. I would trust her with anything. She has always shown remarkable enthusiasm and sought perfection in everything she does. She is highly respected and admired by all of her friends and colleagues, and her conduct has always been above reproach.”
Peggy Kenyon
Retired City Judge
Bridgeport, Texas
“Cindy has an ability for originating new ideas and methods and strives for professionalism in all of her work. She was a supervisor and a valuable employee. I have felt comfortable in putting her in charge of many things that require a great deal of honesty and responsibility.”
Walter G. Dale
Bridgeport Police Chief
Prof"I went through your posts on Tarrant county progressive democrats and I just want you to know you’re giving me hope! I love what you stand for 🙂
Lindsay Fergus
"And nothing makes me happier than being on your team and you definitely have my endorsement for any election
Jennifer Grant
"I had the opportunity to meet Cindy Stormer who is running for District Judge - 213th Judicial District - Tarrant County. Amazing woman with strong values. Please check her out and get to know what she’s about.
Jolene Bock
"Candidate Cindy Stormer for Judge is a great choice to be the 1st Democratic judge in Tarrant County in 30 years!!! She is also an enthusiastic supporter of other Democratic candidates. Cindy, you are everywhere. And, you are one of my heros!
Sandra Cooley
"Everywhere I go, everyone knows who you are.
Diane Symons
“Love your attitude and fairness to everyone.
Lavonne Cockrell
“I love the energy of my dear Cindy stormer. She shows up everywhere” (At the Tarrant County Democratic Convention 2024)
Crystal Gaden
“I have never met anyone as smart as Cindy Stormer”
Ann Viviana, journalist
“First, let me say thank you for running. We need more attorneys who are willing to step forward with the courage to take on the corrupt judiciary which we have in this state.
Neil Durrance
“Cindy Stormer for Judge in Tarrant is the queen of relevant, helpful Facebook content! I love it!
Vickie Parker
“Thank you for your courage and bravery to speak out against this insurrection. I am encouraged by your strength! You are a candle of courage and light in this storm/crisis. Thank you! I love the fact that American women supported the American effort back in the 1940s. This huge effort was not acknowledged by the media or by the general public (as far as I know) back then. It was just "expected". I love the way Cindy Stormer for Judge acknowledges the work that American women have put forth in building this country. Not enough people have done that. Thank you, Cindy Stormer, for bringing that to light!
Maria Esparza
“You are not a shy and retiring type. You can go into any group, not knowing anyone, and know everyone by the time you leave.
Lon Burnam, Former Texas State Representative
“Good luck in your race. You remain the hardest working person in show business! Looking forward to casting my vote for you in November.
Bill Thorburn, Educator, Candidate for State Representative
“We had a lot of good reception from our young Dems for you and your campaign. So we will definitely want to help you out.”
Hunter Griffin, Tarrant County Young Democrats
“Ms. Stormer! Thanks for being such an awesome teacher! Take care and good luck on you election for judge!”
Veda Srey, Former student.
“I have one of your students from Texas Government. He learned so much from you. You are missed.”
Prof Corena White.
“I’m supporting Cindy Stormer for Judge. She has the most experience of anyone running here in Fort Worth, in my opinion, & is who I believe can take on corrupted law enforcement gone insurrectionist MAGA CULT. . . .I’m supporting Cindy Stormer for Judge here in Tarrant County, because she truly cares about the women here & our families.
Becky Roachelle Dolashewich
“Thank you for making this community a better place!
Jess Lugo
“Cindy Stormer for Judge Thanks for keeping us informed. Lord knows we need more people like you who advocate for citizens, taxpayers, and justice.
Lisa Hay Adams
“You have worked harder than any candidate I have ever seen.
Aftab Siddiqui
“I really appreciate your hard work.
Lynn Johnson,
“I am so in awe of friends like you who use their expertise, experience, and passion to further justice . . . You’re such an important part of this community, and I look forward to seeing what all you can do in office!
Erin Cooper
“I awoke at 4:30 this morning, still thinking about how courageous you were at Sundance Square last night. I was so shaken I don’t think I told you at the time, and I want to thank you now. Despite extreme personal risk, you stepped in the middle and defused a volatile situation, and today there are a several of us, including myself, who owe a debt of gratitude to you for making sure things ended as they did. It’s remarkable to think how badly things were going for a few seconds there, but it's reassuring to know that there are people like you who don't hesitate to do what's right, regardless. I think it was heroic. Merry Christmas, Cindy Stormer. I hope you realize just how impressed my wife and I were of you, and proud to think of you as a friend. I look forward to you representing us all next year as Judge Stormer. Tarrant County needs people like you.
Michael Haley
“U got this Cindy u was a great person at the DA office. I enjoyed working with U
Boot McKnight JR, former Dallas DA Sgt. Criminal Investigator
“What was most interesting thing for me to have learned this semester in this class has to be just the overall importance of Government. I have taken a government class in high school and didn't really understand much because it was never a really well focused course, but this class as a whole was fairly interesting (the articles, and court cases as well as when we were learning about the wrongful convictions). I do think what I have learned will be relevant to my future, like the assignment where we had to look up our representative that was good information to know!
Joanna Arrellano, Former Student
“I think that from all of it, the most interesting things I learned were related to judicial laws and cases. I found the amount of knowledge that our professor has so interesting to me. Given her career record and knowledge, I felt most engaged in the classes that we talked about court cases.
Overall, I feel so much more knowledgeable in politics as a whole. I got to learn a lot about our legislature and the way that bills become laws. I do feel more empowered and I feel like I can provide a change in my community by becoming more involved in local elections.
Renaldo Servin, former student
“This is actually my second time taking a government course and I found this class to be much easier to follow along in and really interesting. I found myself digging deeper into what we learned and asking questions. I appreciated the incorporation of current events in class. I think that is the most important thing I learned in this class, was to keep up with what's going on in our government because it does affect us. Knowing where to get your information from goes hand in hand with staying in the know-- check the facts and find a reliable news source. All in all a great class and a useful one.
Avery Fisher, former student
“I have enjoyed having you as a professor and think all professors should have your empathy and kindness. Thank you
Alyssa Flynn, former student
“Thank you for a great semester, you’re a wonderful professor and it was a pleasure to be in your class!!
Raelie Shelton, former student
“You are Superwoman.”
Chad Wooley
“I really appreciate everything you did for me back then. You was my savior and I really never told you, that if wasn’t for you saving me from going to jail, my life would of pretty much been over. You went way out of your way and I love you for it. No one could have ever asked for more that you did for me. Thank you so much for everything you have done for this family. I really enjoyed talking to you. You are so uplifting. I appreciate you. All you been through and stay so positive about everything is remarkable to me. Keep it up. I know I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of you. You don’t have to worry . I won’t let you down. I’m getting better and wont screw up again. I don’t ever want to go down this road again. I’m strong enough to know I never want that life again. You have worked so hard for me and I really do appreciate you so much. I’m getting well and going to stay that way. I just hope they will give me the chance to prove it. I just wished I would not of let it get that far and realized the damage it caused earlier. Thank you for your support. I’m on the right road. I know I have a lot to be grateful for. I really appreciate everything you and everyone has done for me. I will never forget it. I have my life back. Thanks you for all you do. You go way on and beyond anything any body could ask for. You're a very special and amazing person. There is not any other one like you. You are the most resourceful and caring person any one could have on their side and thank you for being there. I'm not a lawyer and can't come up with the right words that would come close to telling you how much I appreciate you. I owe you more than you will ever know
Steve H.
"Professor Stormer,
Hello, I hope this finds you well. I just wanted to say thank you for teaching us about the Constitution, especially the fourth amendment where it tells us about our protection from unreasonable searches and seizures. Today I thought my laptop was stolen by a student, but it was actually just a campus police officer who wanted to teach me a lesson. Remembering your lessons gave me confidence to stand up for myself . . . I really appreciate the things you teach because they are applicable to my life. Thanks for being a great teacher and lawyer- you're the best.
Abby Andrade, former Student
"I have thoroughly enjoyed your teachings Ms. Stormer. I love the segment of class where we all discuss world news, it makes me sound more aware and smarter during small talk at my job. I'd have to say my favorite lesson was the Bill of Rights and Constitutional amendments. Knowing your civil rights and liberties will surely be applicable somewhere. This class has accidently made me engage in local and national government which I have come to appreciate. I'm so grateful for what we've learned and I love to share it.
Destiny Williams, former student
“Professor Stormer, I would say that I really enjoyed the classes and I feel like you are accommodating to each one of us. I must say I learned a whole bunch of things about the US government. Since I am not from the USA but I learned the way the US government works and how they control the whole country by the rules and laws. I think the things that I have learned in this class help me a lot in the future. Overall, credit goes to you Professor Stormer because you gave your best and stay on the line with us and help us a lot in this class. You made us learn about some new things happening at the present and made the class joyful. So, thanks to Mrs. Stormer.
Aanand Shrestha, former student
“The opening of every class with relevant current political news and using real-life examples of prior court cases and legal material provided great examples of how these topics are relevant in our lives, . . . Kyle Morrison, former student
“Professor Stormer I must say this was a class that I totally enjoyed. You made everyone feel important and every idea or comment was okay. I guess what I am saying is the respect level was at an all-time high. Very much appreciated! Ok, I learned a lot in this class and the way it was broken down into segments with explanations and examples of things that are found in court really helped me visualize what the certain document really are. The way gerrymandering was explained to me, I must say I will always look at the districting map and think of weird looking monsters.... I cannot express how this class has helped me with understanding Federal Government better. Thank you again Professor Stormer!
Shamara Lockett, former Student
“Professor Stormer clearly enjoys teaching Government! She is always so pleasant and understanding. I have not had any bad experiences at Tarrant County College and hopefully I won’t but Professor Stormer is amazing. The class is always interesting. I even learned a little bit about music in there! Government and Music!!!!
Laura, former Student
“I really want you to know how much I appreciate you. You help fill in the gaps and give (my son) the love and attention I’m not capable a lot of times to give. You enrich his life so much just like you did me and kris growing up. I don’t wanna sound like a broken record I just really want you to know. I hope you can feel how much we all love you. You are strong and wonderful.
Andrea Lay
“You are the kindest and most humble person I have ever known. You literally are one of the smartest attorneys I have ever known. You and Lee are like Rock Stars to the defense attorneys. I hear people saying nice things about you two all the time. More so than any other prosecutor, you have studied and learned your area of expertise and know it well. You are always calm.
Dr. Dave Bunger, Attorney at Law Brenham, Psychologist
“You have shown your heart well having a good understanding of both political parties history.”
Joi’Kesha Long Lawrence
“I learned a lot in this class and it was the first government class I actually was interested in and learned from. This class has absolutely made me more aware about politics which I think will be good for the future.”
Robert Collison, former student
“I will use the information learned in this class for whenever I hear news about the government or if I am ever in a legal situation. I enjoyed all the knowledge gained in this class.
Maya Nassibian, former student
“This was an awesome class.
Harris Holt, former student
“Quantity of work was expected in class from the syllabus was great. It is one of the most easy-going classes I have ever been to. Everything is explained from what is expected from this course on the syllabus. My only responsibility is my own by studying and do my work on time. I have not attended any online courses, but what I observed is that this class is very welcoming, and for someone who is shy to ask questions I have no problem. It is also a plus when the teacher gives fun facts and makes us laugh. Most teachers just lecture and do not connect with the students. Thank You,
Johana Rodriguez, former student
“♥️ ♥️💝 Today someone asked me if I knew you. I laughed and said, "Ha! That's funny!! I adore her !! She's a blessed, caring, loving, sweet, beautiful lady. She' s the kind of person that, when her feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says " oh no, she's up!!!!!"
Malena Calderon, Attorney at Law, Florida
“Everyone thinks they know what to do but you are the one that really does it. You roll up your sleeves and get done what needs to be done. You are always good to me, Cindy. Thank you!! Please know that I think the world of you. I am grateful to call you my good friend!
Wendy Risinger, Retired Assistant District Attorney Dallas
“My great friend. If you are going to have a friend have one like her.”
“You are the most inspiring, incredible woman I know. Your strength and intelligence just shine through you. I tell my patients all the time how awesome you are. Thank you for always being so giving and kind. I love that you always try to inspire people to be the best they can be. I hope one day to have the opportunity to repay you. I love you with my whole heart.
Kristen Moilan, RN
“She has been my favorite professor from TCC so far. She really cares about what she is teaching. The class is very easy as long as you do your work.
Former student
“This class has been the smoothest online course I have taken.
Serenity Foster, former student
“My favorite part about the course is how it is organized and not dysfunctional like a lot of the virtual learning classes have been. The instructor does a good job at making it as simple as she can for it to get done in a timely manner. This class has the most work but is definitely the most organized. Feedback and grades are also given very quickly which makes it easier to keep track of progress. Thank you,
Ashley Bryan, former student
“This online class is amazing! For us to be completing a class that can almost take a full term, for just one month, I am learning a lot. Thank you for being understanding as well. You are an amazing Professor!
Brianna Holguin, former student
“I can tell that you are really trying to help all of your students. It's nice to see and to be a part of. I worked in higher education for over a decade, and not all faculty are so good at meeting students where they are.
Brittney Luby, former student
“Thanks for making this class so doable. It is not like my other classes where you have to struggle to figure out what is required.
Shoham Sanyal
“So I'm reading your book. So on my flight up here and on my flight back right and at the hotel I get stopped all the time to talk about your book. The title and color catch everyone's attention. Before I boarded the plane today I saw a guy keep staring at it and then look it up on his phone. T-Shirts next!!! Text. “Happy Mothers Day Cindy! Thanks for all the mothering you do to me. I love you so much. I don’t tell you enough. I hope you carry it in your spirit because I think it every day. When you wrote that song it was the sweetest most thoughtful thing anyone had ever done for me.
Dominique Collins
“The most valuable thing I learned from this course was how TRULY important it is to vote in local elections. I often saw politics as a dramatic, overwhelming topic I tried to avoid at all cost. What I've realized through the course of this semester's obtained knowledge is that the failure to stand up for debated topics in one's community is just as shameful as cowering to one's enemy. The accessible freedoms I have grown up surrounded by are not my birthright, but they are my responsibly to maintain and pass on to my children and the generations to come. You definitely inspired me . . . and I am so very grateful to have had the pleasure of taking your class.
Emma Simmons, former student
“My favorite part of this course was the way you interacted with us. You sent out the most emails, provided us with many (rather fun and not boring) extra credit opportunities, gave us the "what’s happening now" updates, always responded quick, were very understanding and I knew you were always an email away.
Camille Chandler, former student
“This is the best class I have ever taken online, you gave us assignments ahead of time to work on it on our time, and you gave plenty of bonus points assignments there is no way a student should fail your course. I appreciate you!
Amanda Young, former student
“By far Tx Govt is the best course I have taken at TCC. I have shared interesting information with my family that I have learned throughout the lessons. The course was very informative.
Yolanda Flores , former student
“Thank you for all of your thorough efforts to make this course so enjoyably educational so far this semester! . . . My appreciation and understanding for where I can make a difference has expanded so much. So thank you!! Sincerely,
Emma Simmons. Former student
“Cindy, you tried my custody case when I was 16 years old, in 1997 I believe. My maternal Grandmother, hired you to get her awarded custody of me and taken away from my mother. I have no idea if you remember this case or not, as it was so long ago and ended pretty quickly. Anyhow I am mentioning this to you I wanted to thank you for saving my life, I know that had I stayed with my mother much longer, I might not have survived that situation.
Laura Harrington
“You were the hardest working boss I ever had. You are the example and the role model from our ♥️
Celeste Huang, former employee, CPA, Dallas District Attorney’s Office
“Professor Stormer is an amazing teacher. Everything she did, she made it relatable. If I could have her for my teacher in the rest of my college classes, I would.
Former Student
“Your class was the exception, because I got to walk away with new voting, political party, and law knowledge. Once again thank you for this semester, I hope that you enjoy the holidays and New Years!
Elizabeth Puga, former student
“The most valuable thing I learned is how important our right to vote is. With the history and encouragement, I was able to learn through this course and read about the change voting can lead to, it brings me to a realization that it’s a true privilege to have. Thank you so much for a great year and encouragement Mrs.Stormer!
Eric Garcia, former student
“Professor Stormer, I'm lucky to take this class during the election year. I was so ignorant to the state and federal government, I always felt like there's nothing I can do to change it. I didn't think that other people shared my same opinion's. I have a much different point of view now. There are so many important things going on right now in our country. There are going to be many hurting, and hungry families over this winter. Thanks for all the great articles and links in our unit assignments. I am taking 2 other on-line classes. I feel out of touch with the other professors, and their instruction can become confusing. This class is by far the most organized class but the most work heavy. I am learning more in this class than the other 2 classes combined. The instruction is crystal clear and available. Thank you.
Todd Gore
I could never repay you for the help you gave me when I most needed it. Thank You.
Pat Neu, client
“Mom and I were talking about you just the other day recalling when I would play on your computer when I was there and printing on that old printer that you had to tear the paper apart and the sides off. It’s been quite a few years but I’ve never forgotten how wonderful of a person you are!
Tory Wall, (employee’s son)
“I would like to first start off by saying that this is currently my favorite class I am taking at TCC this semester. I was worried in the beginning how the class would operate.. . . It is a government class and I like hearing people's opinions on both sides. I would not change anything because I really like the way the class is set up.. . .I feel that I am actually learning in this online class more than the others I am taking. Thank you,
Victoria Rocamontes, former student
“Already have made arrangements to vote. This is my first presidential election vote so I am excited! You've made such a huge impact on how important government/voting is!
Allyssa Benavides, former student
"One of the things I like about this class is how we are encouraged to vote. You first gave us an incentive by rewarding bonus points to our grade to get us on board with the idea of registering and then slowly started showing us fun educational videos on how the whole process works. I believe more schools should do something similar to this.
Arlan Castillo, former student
“Cindy it warms my heart messaging you. I’ve always had a soft spot in my soul for you the way you always had my back with your strong woman tactics and badass attitude.
Valerie Gilbreath, former employee
“You seemed like a really cool person, also you have a lot of real life experience with government, so I figured I wanted to try this class out. I haven’t been wrong so far so thanks for the great class.
Crew Borgeson
“Professor Cindy Stormer has been the best teacher I have had at TCC. She cares for her students, and will help you whenever you need it. Professor Stormer provides a lot opportunities to succeed within her class and will meet you where you're at academically. It's been an honor to have been taught by a person who cares for everyone's success.
Former Student
“Hello professor Stormer thank you for all of your time and hard work in teaching us this semester. You made class really fun and even helped me develop better studying skills. HILARIOUS 😎 AWESOME, THE BEST PROFESSOR EVER. I just wanted to send you an email telling you the good news. Thanks to your admirable letter of recommendation, I was awarded 2 scholarships to help me continue my studies at UTA. I have learned so much from you and I will continue to strive for the excellence, that you showed me. I’m going to miss going your class a lot because you have great public speaking skills that really made each subject easy to understand. Best regards,
Stephani Rodriguez
“I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am to be one of your students
Scottie Del los Reyes
“I have to say I am pretty surprised on how informed I am after this class I wasn't one to be in politics and be informed on how our government works but I have to say I am very pleased with the knowledge that I am leaving this class with The videos were very entertaining and informative . I will definitely be taking a lot of what I learned in this class with me and use it later in my life I am very appreciative of everything and truly want to thank you professor for the great opportunity
Genesis Melendez, former student
“The most interesting thing about this class is the teacher she had so much experience and her job history was outstanding, what she did to help those people, and that she reached out to me when I was falling behind thank you . Also, I learned a little a bit more about the law and how it work and the things we need to know to protect us.
Pelar Bowden, former student
“Dear Professor, ... I am so appreciative of how you support us in this class and me specially. You always answer my questions clearly instead of complaining about these things. You are one of the great professors. I am glad to be in your class. Thank you very much and have a great day, Professor.
Phuoc Nguyen, former student
“I hate missing class. You are funny, always positive, share interesting current information. You’re one of my favorite teachers!
Kristine Casey, former student
“This was by far my favorite class ever at TCC.
Cole Kembel, guitarist
“I tell everyone about this class. It is teaching me different viewpoints.”
Dominique Bonner, former student
“Thank you so much Professor Stormer for an amazing course! Not only have I learned about the government, but you educated us on how to make smart decisions when it comes to exercising our rights and things to beware of. This course was so beneficial and interesting, thank you again! With regards,
Saba Quadri, former student
“Good morning Professor Stormer, I wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed your class this summer semester! I feel like I really learned a lot from you and you’re a great professor! I love history and government and you were able to expanded my love for that! So thanks for being awesome and a great educator!
Lesley Rivera, former student
“I wish I could have you for all the rest of my classes.
Porshe Davis, former student
“Thank you for being a great professor this semester. Applause to you.
Deven McFatridge, former student
“I want to thank you. We always talk about you. I really appreciate everything you did to help my son.
Yolanda Crawford, Dallas
“You have been and continue to be a light in the darkness
Thank You!
Troy Gregg, Wise County
“I thank you so much for working on my case and making it a priority. Your help has allowed me to get through this process and put it behind me. I am totally grateful.
David Fields, Balch Springs
“Ms Stormer, I just wanted to say thank you very much for representing and believing in me!!
Your efforts far exceeded my expectations and I am so grateful that you were there by my side.
. . .Please know that you did a fantastic job and I will be forever grateful for the time and attention you gave to me and my appeal. Many thanks,
Cynthia Knight, Arlington
“You are a rock star. I'm very glad I have you representing me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thanks for everything!
Kevin Hicks, UT Southwestern
“I called my boss and they want me back. If it wasn’t for you, I would have lost everything. I don’t know what I would have done.”
Vivian Smith
“Thank you for investing your time and faith in me. I wanted to write you to acknowledge your kindness, it has encouraged me. Although I did not write to you about what led me into a homeless state, I can say I have been strengthened by it and my character has become definite because of it. I will be moving into my new apartment soon and continuing courses at TCC until I am ready to transfer to my dream college!! I am pursuing my degree in teaching, so I am glad I had the opportunity to know you and experience your kindness. Again, thank you!
Victoria Robinson, student
“Dear Ms. Stormer, Thank you so much for the prompt phone call back, even though it wasn't a "critical incident". If anything I took from today, is to know that there is a GREAT Attorney that I know is on the other end of my life line! You listened, let me vent, heard me cry and never once interrupted me or cut me off because "my call" wasn't important and/or you had other things to do. You understood what I was going thru even though my resolution at the time was me just over thinking what I "should" do or wanted to do in the moment!!! You gave me advice, solutions, and a complete and caring voice that I needed to hear at the time! I have since then, took deep breaths and thought things out and your right...this is my life and they will not win!!!!! Its knowing that I have a great person on the other end - that when the time may come, I have a strong individual in my corner!!! . . . GREAT JOB!!!! Thank you again, means so much!!! Sincerely,”
C. Morris, Sachse
“Cindy Stormer: Hired as a prosecutor by former Dallas County DA Craig Watkins, she was later promoted and then fired by his predecessor, Susan Hawk. Stormer later filed a lawsuit to remove Hawk from office, citing, in part, Hawk's mental health problems. A judge dismissed the suit in January. The reader nominating Stormer said, she "had the character and courage to pursue Hawk's dismissal."
Nomination for Texan of the year, 10/11/16 n DMN
“I don't know who nominated you for Texan of the year but I love the choice.
Bob Massey
“The person who nominated you is absolutely right about you. I hope you get it, you deserve it.
Mike Ware
“Hey! I don't know who nominated you for Texan of the Year, but, nonetheless, you deserve it. I truly hope you win- the good guys/gals deserve it, for once.
Justin A. Moore, ESQ, former Assiistant District Attorney Dallas
“Looked over this tonight and wanted to say congratulations. While I do not know who submitted the nomination, I must say that I agree you are to be commended for taking the initiative to hold her accountable. Also, I am aware you are in the running for appointment (by the governor as District Attorney of Dallas) to serve out the term. I hear the decision should come very soon and want to wish you good luck!!! I'm sure you miss it there, just as I do.
Jonathan Hay
“You are Texan of the year in my book!!!! I saw you on the news. You go girl!! I am very proud of you for what you are doing. You are the greatest person I have ever met. You are such a wonderful person. I have tremendous respect for you. You have a special place in my heart. I love you.
Barbara Jones, Cooke County
“You are a great nominee- that took a lot of courage and you did it
Malena Calderon
“You did something incredibly brave and fought for what you believed in. You were a dedicated prosecutor and are a great person
Margie Beinstock, Retired Assistant District Attorney, Dallas
“Thank you for your total involvement and tireless work representing Billie's interests and understanding and appreciating her wishes about her quality of life going forward. I can only imagine the stress you worked under! All your efforts and calm, non-irritating demeanor in court were so impressive to all, especially compared to the repetitious, often-irritating opposing attorney! I could tell the judge really seemed to welcome your quiet, efficient bearing in court and noticed more than a few times how her expression seemed to change to a lighter one when she looked your way. I will always be in your debt for your thoughtfulness in involving him and very hard work for Billie and our family. Love and hugs to YOU, Miss Cindy! You are a huge treasure for those caught up unexpectedly in hellacious times. :) Thank you again, Cindy.
Carol Jeanie English
“Your confidence level compared to opposing counsel could not be compared. You did a great job.
Janet Boyantonson, Dallas Attorney
‘I want to comment on the zealous efforts to both attorneys. Outstanding job.
Judge Ingrid Warren, Dallas
“just wanted to say how much of a lifesaver your small-firm books / toolkits are. Thank you so much for them!
Naval H. Patel, Attorney at Law Patel Law
“Just want to tell everyone what you did. Cindy Stormer didn’t just talk about it, she did it. You are the one who got Cynthia her raise she deserved. Thank you. You created Mental Health, No one could do the job you were doing. You and Dave wanted to get the job done. You were a friend. Cindy you were always there. You are family. You were a friend. You give the best answers. I miss you. You are missed. Your work was not in vain. I told everyone you did a great job. I appreciate you. You tried to make it better for everybody. You are an achiever and will continue to make a difference!! I am noticing that things are being done more professionally around here since you have been in this position. Things are moving faster and the right way since you have been in the position. People like you don't come around often in life!! THANK YOU!!!
Danette Dickson, Administrative Assistant Dallas District Attorney's Office
“ I know Cindy to be talented, articulate, highly experienced and reliable. I am delighted to serve as a reference for her.
Marilyn Wiley, Professor University of North Texas
““Everybody raves about Cindy because she so impartial. She just wants to do the right thing. Everybody loves Cindy. She is very strong, stood up for what was right.
Al Gilbertson, Dallas Attorney ON LOCAL NEWS
“I see you on the news, I'm really proud of you. You are doing a great job
Terry Humberson, Stephenville
“You are the best client I have worked with in a long time.
Nicolas Wale, Agent, Publisher
“I have spoke to so many people and have read comments by citizens and everyone supports you.
Edith Santos, Investigator Dallas District Attorney’s Office
“You have always been not only highly competent, but also of the highest ethics.
Michael R. Casillas, Attorney At Law Dallas
“You have been great. We appreciate the fact that you took the lead. This shows the organizational reserve to resolve this matter. We appreciate all your support.”
Brian Boykin, Federal Agent doing the review
“She's a great talent.
Richard Roper, Former US Attorney Northern District of Texas
“Admin Chief in our office is actually a backbone position due to the checks and balances that are expected from this position and Cindy Stormer is excellent for this spot. She is no stranger to hard work or being persistent in getting the results needed to ensure our office meets our goals. We work with lots of numbers and Cindy has to be the one to advise higher Administration on accurate responsible spending of tax payer dollars and that the appropriate funds are being utilized.
Danette Dickson, Adminstrative Assistant Dallas
“ I will miss you and I cannot ever properly thank you for all you have done for my family and me, words are just not enough. God bless you for all you do to serve others. Thank you,
Lisa Thorpe, Dallas
“Judge Hawk is telling everyone and everybody is giving the thumbs up. Everybody knows how hard you work and they know they can expect the same over there.
Randall Johnson, Chief Investigator Dallas District Attorney’s Office
Ms. Stormer, Thank you so much for all your help with this case. I can rest a lot easier Hopefully the results today will enable Steve to get the help he needs. Again, I so very much appreciate your help, your expediency in responding to the hearing and the effort made in keeping the neighborhood in the loop. Regards,
Karen Cargile, Dallas
“If anyone in this building has good mental health, it’s you.
B.W. Smith, Investigator Dallas District Attorneys Office
“Cindy Stormer has done a fantastic job. The Mental Health Division is the Dream Team.
Judge Hawk, Dallas
“I have heard really great things about you. Everyone says you guys are great and not like other prosecutors.
Caroline Simone, Dallas Defense Attorney
“Dear Cindy, You are a true inspiration and example for all to follow. Your positive outlook on live, your vast experience, your never ending compassion are unmistakable and visible for all to see. Thank you for taking a chance on me and helping me become a better prosecutor. I am so appreciative to have you as a mentor, role model, and friend! “I am always welcome to your suggestions.
Hilary Blake, Assistant District Attorney Dallas
“Very Impressive. I see how busy it can get! Thank you so much for sharing with me – I learned so much today and it has been helpful in seeing the work the Mental Health Division does for those coming through the courts who need assistance. I see that the Mental Health Division is a go-to division that collaborates to find the best solutions for defendants.
Erica Terrazas, Budget Department, Dallas
“I have been doing this a LONG time and I can’t tell you the change in the attitude of prosecutors. Before it was just ‘send them to jail’, now we are changing lives, helping people become productive again, giving families their loved ones back . . .Thank You. I want to commend the Mental Health Prosecutors for their work and for moving cases so fast. Before we had Mental Health Attorneys it used to take a very long time and people stayed in jail way too long. I just want to say thank you. You are wonderful partners in Mental Health. Cindy, We are so fortunate to have this kind of working relationship with your office and your team. Thanks again for all your help and let us know if there is anything we can do to make this easier, efficient, and more effective for everyone involved.
Lynn Richardson, Chief of the Public Defender’s Office Dallas
“The Mental Health Division is the most pleasant, cooperative, and awesome. You are so calm and experienced. You do a fantastic job. I never have to worry about anything with you. You are all so happy when you come in here.”
Judge Shed of Aux court about the Mental Health Division:
“Thank you Cindy, for the lightning fast response and awesome assistance. If I ever can be of help to you, just let me know. Thank You
J Jones, Rowlett PD
“There are more good things said about you two each time we meet (jail population meeting) than anyone else. John Wiley Price (Dallas Commissioner) says ‘we got 2 people who are doing more than anyone else here’ (at Frank Crowley). Every meeting he is singing our praises.”
Pat Johnson, Crim. Ct Coordinator for all the County Courts
“Everything stops for you Cindy.
Dallas Judge Carter Thompson
“This is a great article and provides lots of good reasons to re-think current practices. I appreciate that you are encouraging new thinking among prosecutors in particular. I hope your piece has a big impact.
Dottie Carmichael, Research Scientist Texas A & M
“Ms. Stormer who is the ADA recognized for her interest in mental health and has done a great job in increasing MH/substance use awareness within the ADA’s office here in Dallas.
Dr. Judith Hunter to head of Tarrant Co MHMR
“I can't believe the caseload the three of handle and am amazed that you get it done.
Dr. Kristi Compton, Psychologist Dallas
“I had not met you oh my God, we wouldn’t have made it. You don’t have to reply. I know you’re busy saving people. Thanks for your friendship and . . .the angels watch over you.”
Bob Jones
“Dear Cindy, I heard your presentation on Competency was awesome and I hope you will consider doing it for our training session for the defense bar. Thanks so much,
Judge Kristin Wade, Dallas
Great job by Cindy Stormer on the informative mental health overview.
Judge Kristin Wade, Dallas, From the Behavioral Health Steering Committee newsletter.
"Hi , Cindy Stormer, I don’t know if you remember us but my name is Stephanie Marsh and I have a brother named Gregory Marsh And I always call you with bad news but I want to call you with some good news Because all those classes, that you put on him, the anger management, the substance abuse, all those classes that you made him attend, has really turned his life around He’s been staying clean and sober. He has his own apartment He hasn’t bothered my Dad who will be 91 next month. At first I said “Oh my God, he won’t be able to do all those classes. But he has been able to do them. They are drug testing him He has stabilized on his mental illness, he’s taking his medication, and he is just doing great. I just want you to know. Thank you so much, we love you. Keep on doing the great job. I know sometimes it is hard to make those decisions but thank you so much Cindy for caring enough to put all those stipulations on my brother. Because it has made his life totally different This is Stephanie Marsh. Thank you again Bye Bye. If you ever need me to vote for you or run your campaign. I will help you. You can use this message anyway you want."
Voice message from Stephanie Marsh of Dallas (complaining witness in a case Dallas)
“You have a great mental health team. Best attorneys in the office. All very good at what they do. Pleasant to work with.
Alison Grinter, Dallas Public Defender
“Cindy YOU are such a sweet and pleasant person.
Marium Uddin, Public Defender
“I just want to say thank you so much for coming to talk to us about Mental Health. It inspired me in so many ways I can’t even explain it. I never knew how many people are just mentally ill and to tell you the truth I am so happy blessed that my family friends or even me are not mentally ill. My favorite part was you showing us the brains. And I also never knew how bad drugs and alcohol can mess you up on the inside and out. Thanks again.
Chrisden McGensy (high school student).
“What fun it was to have you in training. I just loved getting to know you better and learning from you. You are truly an inspiration to us all. Thank you so much for opening up and agreeing to be a part. I look forward to many more memories with you. We are going to be coming to you in the future. You have such a calming influence.
Rachael Jones, Assistant United States Attorney Northern District
"I would most like to acknowledge, Cindy, after everything she has been through & she brings so much wisdom and spirituality with everything she says.
Larissa Rhoeder, Assistant District Attorney Dallas, Restorative Justice Training
“Dallas is the gold standard for OCR (Outpatient Competency Restoration which Stormer oversaw). Dallas always meets or exceeds standards. The OCR program in Dallas is the best in State. I never worry about Dallas.”
Courtney Heard, with the Department of State Health Services, who oversees the Outpatient Competency Restoration (OCR) program for the State
“Cindy you have no idea how much I appreciate your trying to give Josh some guidance. He respects you greatly as do I, and you may be the one remaining person that he will listen to and heed your words. . . .Thank you so very much for this. I really care about all of you too and . . have always loved you all.
Suzanne H.
“I was just speaking to Sherry Cusumano, our Director on what a remarkable job the District Attorney’s offices are doing for mentally ill offenders. Thanks so much ..
Mary Ann Niles, Green Oaks
“The Mental Health article was really informative, I learned a lot.
Kerry Young, Staff Attorney for Dallas Judges
“That article you prepared is great!!!! I think that every prosecutor in the office should have to read it so that they can at least have some understanding of mental health and what is required in mental health cases. . . Thanks for sending it to me! Good luck with your presentation!! Also I absolutely love the last line. I might steal it for my big felony trials down the road! Justice is that mysterious phenomenon which corrects the wrongs of mankind. It is mercy for those who deserve it and it is swift and uncompromising punishment for those who don’t.
Law Chang, Former Assistant District Attorney Dallas
“You are still the smartest, most talented and successful, most beautiful, and loveliest person I have ever met.
Angela Chaparro, former Administrative Assistant District Attorney’s Office and former employee in private law practice
“Ms. Stormer: I can't thank you enough for the most thorough, proactive work done on our behalf. We're grateful for the "no lo contendre" verdict, as we are certain that it is the result of your work, which really left no room for defense. I am truly grateful for all you've done. Sincerely,
Paula D. Brown, Executive Director/Principal,A. W. Brown-Fellowship Charter School
“Cindy Stormer is my hero.”
Professor John Stickles, Innocence Project UTA
“I can not express to you how grateful I am for you, taking the time to disect these cases and pointing out the legal flaws. I knew there were legal issues, but with not being that familiar with the law I had no idea what they really were. You made things so much easier by being able to cover that spectrum of it. These guys are both such wonderful human beings on the inside and due to that it makes you want to work so much harder to help get them justice and get them home. You have not yet met them to know this, but once you do, you will see that they both deserved all the time and energy that it took. For me there could never be a greater reward than seeing them both get to come home and be reunited with their families. Yesterday, you put a huge smile on my face and a happy place in my heart. Thanks Again,
Natalie Ellis, with the Innocence Project
Lindsay Fergus
"And nothing makes me happier than being on your team and you definitely have my endorsement for any election
Jennifer Grant
"I had the opportunity to meet Cindy Stormer who is running for District Judge - 213th Judicial District - Tarrant County. Amazing woman with strong values. Please check her out and get to know what she’s about.
Jolene Bock
"Candidate Cindy Stormer for Judge is a great choice to be the 1st Democratic judge in Tarrant County in 30 years!!! She is also an enthusiastic supporter of other Democratic candidates. Cindy, you are everywhere. And, you are one of my heros!
Sandra Cooley
"Everywhere I go, everyone knows who you are.
Diane Symons
“Love your attitude and fairness to everyone.
Lavonne Cockrell
“I love the energy of my dear Cindy stormer. She shows up everywhere” (At the Tarrant County Democratic Convention 2024)
Crystal Gaden
“I have never met anyone as smart as Cindy Stormer”
Ann Viviana, journalist
“First, let me say thank you for running. We need more attorneys who are willing to step forward with the courage to take on the corrupt judiciary which we have in this state.
Neil Durrance
“Cindy Stormer for Judge in Tarrant is the queen of relevant, helpful Facebook content! I love it!
Vickie Parker
“Thank you for your courage and bravery to speak out against this insurrection. I am encouraged by your strength! You are a candle of courage and light in this storm/crisis. Thank you! I love the fact that American women supported the American effort back in the 1940s. This huge effort was not acknowledged by the media or by the general public (as far as I know) back then. It was just "expected". I love the way Cindy Stormer for Judge acknowledges the work that American women have put forth in building this country. Not enough people have done that. Thank you, Cindy Stormer, for bringing that to light!
Maria Esparza
“You are not a shy and retiring type. You can go into any group, not knowing anyone, and know everyone by the time you leave.
Lon Burnam, Former Texas State Representative
“Good luck in your race. You remain the hardest working person in show business! Looking forward to casting my vote for you in November.
Bill Thorburn, Educator, Candidate for State Representative
“We had a lot of good reception from our young Dems for you and your campaign. So we will definitely want to help you out.”
Hunter Griffin, Tarrant County Young Democrats
“Ms. Stormer! Thanks for being such an awesome teacher! Take care and good luck on you election for judge!”
Veda Srey, Former student.
“I have one of your students from Texas Government. He learned so much from you. You are missed.”
Prof Corena White.
“I’m supporting Cindy Stormer for Judge. She has the most experience of anyone running here in Fort Worth, in my opinion, & is who I believe can take on corrupted law enforcement gone insurrectionist MAGA CULT. . . .I’m supporting Cindy Stormer for Judge here in Tarrant County, because she truly cares about the women here & our families.
Becky Roachelle Dolashewich
“Thank you for making this community a better place!
Jess Lugo
“Cindy Stormer for Judge Thanks for keeping us informed. Lord knows we need more people like you who advocate for citizens, taxpayers, and justice.
Lisa Hay Adams
“You have worked harder than any candidate I have ever seen.
Aftab Siddiqui
“I really appreciate your hard work.
Lynn Johnson,
“I am so in awe of friends like you who use their expertise, experience, and passion to further justice . . . You’re such an important part of this community, and I look forward to seeing what all you can do in office!
Erin Cooper
“I awoke at 4:30 this morning, still thinking about how courageous you were at Sundance Square last night. I was so shaken I don’t think I told you at the time, and I want to thank you now. Despite extreme personal risk, you stepped in the middle and defused a volatile situation, and today there are a several of us, including myself, who owe a debt of gratitude to you for making sure things ended as they did. It’s remarkable to think how badly things were going for a few seconds there, but it's reassuring to know that there are people like you who don't hesitate to do what's right, regardless. I think it was heroic. Merry Christmas, Cindy Stormer. I hope you realize just how impressed my wife and I were of you, and proud to think of you as a friend. I look forward to you representing us all next year as Judge Stormer. Tarrant County needs people like you.
Michael Haley
“U got this Cindy u was a great person at the DA office. I enjoyed working with U
Boot McKnight JR, former Dallas DA Sgt. Criminal Investigator
“What was most interesting thing for me to have learned this semester in this class has to be just the overall importance of Government. I have taken a government class in high school and didn't really understand much because it was never a really well focused course, but this class as a whole was fairly interesting (the articles, and court cases as well as when we were learning about the wrongful convictions). I do think what I have learned will be relevant to my future, like the assignment where we had to look up our representative that was good information to know!
Joanna Arrellano, Former Student
“I think that from all of it, the most interesting things I learned were related to judicial laws and cases. I found the amount of knowledge that our professor has so interesting to me. Given her career record and knowledge, I felt most engaged in the classes that we talked about court cases.
Overall, I feel so much more knowledgeable in politics as a whole. I got to learn a lot about our legislature and the way that bills become laws. I do feel more empowered and I feel like I can provide a change in my community by becoming more involved in local elections.
Renaldo Servin, former student
“This is actually my second time taking a government course and I found this class to be much easier to follow along in and really interesting. I found myself digging deeper into what we learned and asking questions. I appreciated the incorporation of current events in class. I think that is the most important thing I learned in this class, was to keep up with what's going on in our government because it does affect us. Knowing where to get your information from goes hand in hand with staying in the know-- check the facts and find a reliable news source. All in all a great class and a useful one.
Avery Fisher, former student
“I have enjoyed having you as a professor and think all professors should have your empathy and kindness. Thank you
Alyssa Flynn, former student
“Thank you for a great semester, you’re a wonderful professor and it was a pleasure to be in your class!!
Raelie Shelton, former student
“You are Superwoman.”
Chad Wooley
“I really appreciate everything you did for me back then. You was my savior and I really never told you, that if wasn’t for you saving me from going to jail, my life would of pretty much been over. You went way out of your way and I love you for it. No one could have ever asked for more that you did for me. Thank you so much for everything you have done for this family. I really enjoyed talking to you. You are so uplifting. I appreciate you. All you been through and stay so positive about everything is remarkable to me. Keep it up. I know I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of you. You don’t have to worry . I won’t let you down. I’m getting better and wont screw up again. I don’t ever want to go down this road again. I’m strong enough to know I never want that life again. You have worked so hard for me and I really do appreciate you so much. I’m getting well and going to stay that way. I just hope they will give me the chance to prove it. I just wished I would not of let it get that far and realized the damage it caused earlier. Thank you for your support. I’m on the right road. I know I have a lot to be grateful for. I really appreciate everything you and everyone has done for me. I will never forget it. I have my life back. Thanks you for all you do. You go way on and beyond anything any body could ask for. You're a very special and amazing person. There is not any other one like you. You are the most resourceful and caring person any one could have on their side and thank you for being there. I'm not a lawyer and can't come up with the right words that would come close to telling you how much I appreciate you. I owe you more than you will ever know
Steve H.
"Professor Stormer,
Hello, I hope this finds you well. I just wanted to say thank you for teaching us about the Constitution, especially the fourth amendment where it tells us about our protection from unreasonable searches and seizures. Today I thought my laptop was stolen by a student, but it was actually just a campus police officer who wanted to teach me a lesson. Remembering your lessons gave me confidence to stand up for myself . . . I really appreciate the things you teach because they are applicable to my life. Thanks for being a great teacher and lawyer- you're the best.
Abby Andrade, former Student
"I have thoroughly enjoyed your teachings Ms. Stormer. I love the segment of class where we all discuss world news, it makes me sound more aware and smarter during small talk at my job. I'd have to say my favorite lesson was the Bill of Rights and Constitutional amendments. Knowing your civil rights and liberties will surely be applicable somewhere. This class has accidently made me engage in local and national government which I have come to appreciate. I'm so grateful for what we've learned and I love to share it.
Destiny Williams, former student
“Professor Stormer, I would say that I really enjoyed the classes and I feel like you are accommodating to each one of us. I must say I learned a whole bunch of things about the US government. Since I am not from the USA but I learned the way the US government works and how they control the whole country by the rules and laws. I think the things that I have learned in this class help me a lot in the future. Overall, credit goes to you Professor Stormer because you gave your best and stay on the line with us and help us a lot in this class. You made us learn about some new things happening at the present and made the class joyful. So, thanks to Mrs. Stormer.
Aanand Shrestha, former student
“The opening of every class with relevant current political news and using real-life examples of prior court cases and legal material provided great examples of how these topics are relevant in our lives, . . . Kyle Morrison, former student
“Professor Stormer I must say this was a class that I totally enjoyed. You made everyone feel important and every idea or comment was okay. I guess what I am saying is the respect level was at an all-time high. Very much appreciated! Ok, I learned a lot in this class and the way it was broken down into segments with explanations and examples of things that are found in court really helped me visualize what the certain document really are. The way gerrymandering was explained to me, I must say I will always look at the districting map and think of weird looking monsters.... I cannot express how this class has helped me with understanding Federal Government better. Thank you again Professor Stormer!
Shamara Lockett, former Student
“Professor Stormer clearly enjoys teaching Government! She is always so pleasant and understanding. I have not had any bad experiences at Tarrant County College and hopefully I won’t but Professor Stormer is amazing. The class is always interesting. I even learned a little bit about music in there! Government and Music!!!!
Laura, former Student
“I really want you to know how much I appreciate you. You help fill in the gaps and give (my son) the love and attention I’m not capable a lot of times to give. You enrich his life so much just like you did me and kris growing up. I don’t wanna sound like a broken record I just really want you to know. I hope you can feel how much we all love you. You are strong and wonderful.
Andrea Lay
“You are the kindest and most humble person I have ever known. You literally are one of the smartest attorneys I have ever known. You and Lee are like Rock Stars to the defense attorneys. I hear people saying nice things about you two all the time. More so than any other prosecutor, you have studied and learned your area of expertise and know it well. You are always calm.
Dr. Dave Bunger, Attorney at Law Brenham, Psychologist
“You have shown your heart well having a good understanding of both political parties history.”
Joi’Kesha Long Lawrence
“I learned a lot in this class and it was the first government class I actually was interested in and learned from. This class has absolutely made me more aware about politics which I think will be good for the future.”
Robert Collison, former student
“I will use the information learned in this class for whenever I hear news about the government or if I am ever in a legal situation. I enjoyed all the knowledge gained in this class.
Maya Nassibian, former student
“This was an awesome class.
Harris Holt, former student
“Quantity of work was expected in class from the syllabus was great. It is one of the most easy-going classes I have ever been to. Everything is explained from what is expected from this course on the syllabus. My only responsibility is my own by studying and do my work on time. I have not attended any online courses, but what I observed is that this class is very welcoming, and for someone who is shy to ask questions I have no problem. It is also a plus when the teacher gives fun facts and makes us laugh. Most teachers just lecture and do not connect with the students. Thank You,
Johana Rodriguez, former student
“♥️ ♥️💝 Today someone asked me if I knew you. I laughed and said, "Ha! That's funny!! I adore her !! She's a blessed, caring, loving, sweet, beautiful lady. She' s the kind of person that, when her feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says " oh no, she's up!!!!!"
Malena Calderon, Attorney at Law, Florida
“Everyone thinks they know what to do but you are the one that really does it. You roll up your sleeves and get done what needs to be done. You are always good to me, Cindy. Thank you!! Please know that I think the world of you. I am grateful to call you my good friend!
Wendy Risinger, Retired Assistant District Attorney Dallas
“My great friend. If you are going to have a friend have one like her.”
“You are the most inspiring, incredible woman I know. Your strength and intelligence just shine through you. I tell my patients all the time how awesome you are. Thank you for always being so giving and kind. I love that you always try to inspire people to be the best they can be. I hope one day to have the opportunity to repay you. I love you with my whole heart.
Kristen Moilan, RN
“She has been my favorite professor from TCC so far. She really cares about what she is teaching. The class is very easy as long as you do your work.
Former student
“This class has been the smoothest online course I have taken.
Serenity Foster, former student
“My favorite part about the course is how it is organized and not dysfunctional like a lot of the virtual learning classes have been. The instructor does a good job at making it as simple as she can for it to get done in a timely manner. This class has the most work but is definitely the most organized. Feedback and grades are also given very quickly which makes it easier to keep track of progress. Thank you,
Ashley Bryan, former student
“This online class is amazing! For us to be completing a class that can almost take a full term, for just one month, I am learning a lot. Thank you for being understanding as well. You are an amazing Professor!
Brianna Holguin, former student
“I can tell that you are really trying to help all of your students. It's nice to see and to be a part of. I worked in higher education for over a decade, and not all faculty are so good at meeting students where they are.
Brittney Luby, former student
“Thanks for making this class so doable. It is not like my other classes where you have to struggle to figure out what is required.
Shoham Sanyal
“So I'm reading your book. So on my flight up here and on my flight back right and at the hotel I get stopped all the time to talk about your book. The title and color catch everyone's attention. Before I boarded the plane today I saw a guy keep staring at it and then look it up on his phone. T-Shirts next!!! Text. “Happy Mothers Day Cindy! Thanks for all the mothering you do to me. I love you so much. I don’t tell you enough. I hope you carry it in your spirit because I think it every day. When you wrote that song it was the sweetest most thoughtful thing anyone had ever done for me.
Dominique Collins
“The most valuable thing I learned from this course was how TRULY important it is to vote in local elections. I often saw politics as a dramatic, overwhelming topic I tried to avoid at all cost. What I've realized through the course of this semester's obtained knowledge is that the failure to stand up for debated topics in one's community is just as shameful as cowering to one's enemy. The accessible freedoms I have grown up surrounded by are not my birthright, but they are my responsibly to maintain and pass on to my children and the generations to come. You definitely inspired me . . . and I am so very grateful to have had the pleasure of taking your class.
Emma Simmons, former student
“My favorite part of this course was the way you interacted with us. You sent out the most emails, provided us with many (rather fun and not boring) extra credit opportunities, gave us the "what’s happening now" updates, always responded quick, were very understanding and I knew you were always an email away.
Camille Chandler, former student
“This is the best class I have ever taken online, you gave us assignments ahead of time to work on it on our time, and you gave plenty of bonus points assignments there is no way a student should fail your course. I appreciate you!
Amanda Young, former student
“By far Tx Govt is the best course I have taken at TCC. I have shared interesting information with my family that I have learned throughout the lessons. The course was very informative.
Yolanda Flores , former student
“Thank you for all of your thorough efforts to make this course so enjoyably educational so far this semester! . . . My appreciation and understanding for where I can make a difference has expanded so much. So thank you!! Sincerely,
Emma Simmons. Former student
“Cindy, you tried my custody case when I was 16 years old, in 1997 I believe. My maternal Grandmother, hired you to get her awarded custody of me and taken away from my mother. I have no idea if you remember this case or not, as it was so long ago and ended pretty quickly. Anyhow I am mentioning this to you I wanted to thank you for saving my life, I know that had I stayed with my mother much longer, I might not have survived that situation.
Laura Harrington
“You were the hardest working boss I ever had. You are the example and the role model from our ♥️
Celeste Huang, former employee, CPA, Dallas District Attorney’s Office
“Professor Stormer is an amazing teacher. Everything she did, she made it relatable. If I could have her for my teacher in the rest of my college classes, I would.
Former Student
“Your class was the exception, because I got to walk away with new voting, political party, and law knowledge. Once again thank you for this semester, I hope that you enjoy the holidays and New Years!
Elizabeth Puga, former student
“The most valuable thing I learned is how important our right to vote is. With the history and encouragement, I was able to learn through this course and read about the change voting can lead to, it brings me to a realization that it’s a true privilege to have. Thank you so much for a great year and encouragement Mrs.Stormer!
Eric Garcia, former student
“Professor Stormer, I'm lucky to take this class during the election year. I was so ignorant to the state and federal government, I always felt like there's nothing I can do to change it. I didn't think that other people shared my same opinion's. I have a much different point of view now. There are so many important things going on right now in our country. There are going to be many hurting, and hungry families over this winter. Thanks for all the great articles and links in our unit assignments. I am taking 2 other on-line classes. I feel out of touch with the other professors, and their instruction can become confusing. This class is by far the most organized class but the most work heavy. I am learning more in this class than the other 2 classes combined. The instruction is crystal clear and available. Thank you.
Todd Gore
I could never repay you for the help you gave me when I most needed it. Thank You.
Pat Neu, client
“Mom and I were talking about you just the other day recalling when I would play on your computer when I was there and printing on that old printer that you had to tear the paper apart and the sides off. It’s been quite a few years but I’ve never forgotten how wonderful of a person you are!
Tory Wall, (employee’s son)
“I would like to first start off by saying that this is currently my favorite class I am taking at TCC this semester. I was worried in the beginning how the class would operate.. . . It is a government class and I like hearing people's opinions on both sides. I would not change anything because I really like the way the class is set up.. . .I feel that I am actually learning in this online class more than the others I am taking. Thank you,
Victoria Rocamontes, former student
“Already have made arrangements to vote. This is my first presidential election vote so I am excited! You've made such a huge impact on how important government/voting is!
Allyssa Benavides, former student
"One of the things I like about this class is how we are encouraged to vote. You first gave us an incentive by rewarding bonus points to our grade to get us on board with the idea of registering and then slowly started showing us fun educational videos on how the whole process works. I believe more schools should do something similar to this.
Arlan Castillo, former student
“Cindy it warms my heart messaging you. I’ve always had a soft spot in my soul for you the way you always had my back with your strong woman tactics and badass attitude.
Valerie Gilbreath, former employee
“You seemed like a really cool person, also you have a lot of real life experience with government, so I figured I wanted to try this class out. I haven’t been wrong so far so thanks for the great class.
Crew Borgeson
“Professor Cindy Stormer has been the best teacher I have had at TCC. She cares for her students, and will help you whenever you need it. Professor Stormer provides a lot opportunities to succeed within her class and will meet you where you're at academically. It's been an honor to have been taught by a person who cares for everyone's success.
Former Student
“Hello professor Stormer thank you for all of your time and hard work in teaching us this semester. You made class really fun and even helped me develop better studying skills. HILARIOUS 😎 AWESOME, THE BEST PROFESSOR EVER. I just wanted to send you an email telling you the good news. Thanks to your admirable letter of recommendation, I was awarded 2 scholarships to help me continue my studies at UTA. I have learned so much from you and I will continue to strive for the excellence, that you showed me. I’m going to miss going your class a lot because you have great public speaking skills that really made each subject easy to understand. Best regards,
Stephani Rodriguez
“I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am to be one of your students
Scottie Del los Reyes
“I have to say I am pretty surprised on how informed I am after this class I wasn't one to be in politics and be informed on how our government works but I have to say I am very pleased with the knowledge that I am leaving this class with The videos were very entertaining and informative . I will definitely be taking a lot of what I learned in this class with me and use it later in my life I am very appreciative of everything and truly want to thank you professor for the great opportunity
Genesis Melendez, former student
“The most interesting thing about this class is the teacher she had so much experience and her job history was outstanding, what she did to help those people, and that she reached out to me when I was falling behind thank you . Also, I learned a little a bit more about the law and how it work and the things we need to know to protect us.
Pelar Bowden, former student
“Dear Professor, ... I am so appreciative of how you support us in this class and me specially. You always answer my questions clearly instead of complaining about these things. You are one of the great professors. I am glad to be in your class. Thank you very much and have a great day, Professor.
Phuoc Nguyen, former student
“I hate missing class. You are funny, always positive, share interesting current information. You’re one of my favorite teachers!
Kristine Casey, former student
“This was by far my favorite class ever at TCC.
Cole Kembel, guitarist
“I tell everyone about this class. It is teaching me different viewpoints.”
Dominique Bonner, former student
“Thank you so much Professor Stormer for an amazing course! Not only have I learned about the government, but you educated us on how to make smart decisions when it comes to exercising our rights and things to beware of. This course was so beneficial and interesting, thank you again! With regards,
Saba Quadri, former student
“Good morning Professor Stormer, I wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed your class this summer semester! I feel like I really learned a lot from you and you’re a great professor! I love history and government and you were able to expanded my love for that! So thanks for being awesome and a great educator!
Lesley Rivera, former student
“I wish I could have you for all the rest of my classes.
Porshe Davis, former student
“Thank you for being a great professor this semester. Applause to you.
Deven McFatridge, former student
“I want to thank you. We always talk about you. I really appreciate everything you did to help my son.
Yolanda Crawford, Dallas
“You have been and continue to be a light in the darkness
Thank You!
Troy Gregg, Wise County
“I thank you so much for working on my case and making it a priority. Your help has allowed me to get through this process and put it behind me. I am totally grateful.
David Fields, Balch Springs
“Ms Stormer, I just wanted to say thank you very much for representing and believing in me!!
Your efforts far exceeded my expectations and I am so grateful that you were there by my side.
. . .Please know that you did a fantastic job and I will be forever grateful for the time and attention you gave to me and my appeal. Many thanks,
Cynthia Knight, Arlington
“You are a rock star. I'm very glad I have you representing me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thanks for everything!
Kevin Hicks, UT Southwestern
“I called my boss and they want me back. If it wasn’t for you, I would have lost everything. I don’t know what I would have done.”
Vivian Smith
“Thank you for investing your time and faith in me. I wanted to write you to acknowledge your kindness, it has encouraged me. Although I did not write to you about what led me into a homeless state, I can say I have been strengthened by it and my character has become definite because of it. I will be moving into my new apartment soon and continuing courses at TCC until I am ready to transfer to my dream college!! I am pursuing my degree in teaching, so I am glad I had the opportunity to know you and experience your kindness. Again, thank you!
Victoria Robinson, student
“Dear Ms. Stormer, Thank you so much for the prompt phone call back, even though it wasn't a "critical incident". If anything I took from today, is to know that there is a GREAT Attorney that I know is on the other end of my life line! You listened, let me vent, heard me cry and never once interrupted me or cut me off because "my call" wasn't important and/or you had other things to do. You understood what I was going thru even though my resolution at the time was me just over thinking what I "should" do or wanted to do in the moment!!! You gave me advice, solutions, and a complete and caring voice that I needed to hear at the time! I have since then, took deep breaths and thought things out and your right...this is my life and they will not win!!!!! Its knowing that I have a great person on the other end - that when the time may come, I have a strong individual in my corner!!! . . . GREAT JOB!!!! Thank you again, means so much!!! Sincerely,”
C. Morris, Sachse
“Cindy Stormer: Hired as a prosecutor by former Dallas County DA Craig Watkins, she was later promoted and then fired by his predecessor, Susan Hawk. Stormer later filed a lawsuit to remove Hawk from office, citing, in part, Hawk's mental health problems. A judge dismissed the suit in January. The reader nominating Stormer said, she "had the character and courage to pursue Hawk's dismissal."
Nomination for Texan of the year, 10/11/16 n DMN
“I don't know who nominated you for Texan of the year but I love the choice.
Bob Massey
“The person who nominated you is absolutely right about you. I hope you get it, you deserve it.
Mike Ware
“Hey! I don't know who nominated you for Texan of the Year, but, nonetheless, you deserve it. I truly hope you win- the good guys/gals deserve it, for once.
Justin A. Moore, ESQ, former Assiistant District Attorney Dallas
“Looked over this tonight and wanted to say congratulations. While I do not know who submitted the nomination, I must say that I agree you are to be commended for taking the initiative to hold her accountable. Also, I am aware you are in the running for appointment (by the governor as District Attorney of Dallas) to serve out the term. I hear the decision should come very soon and want to wish you good luck!!! I'm sure you miss it there, just as I do.
Jonathan Hay
“You are Texan of the year in my book!!!! I saw you on the news. You go girl!! I am very proud of you for what you are doing. You are the greatest person I have ever met. You are such a wonderful person. I have tremendous respect for you. You have a special place in my heart. I love you.
Barbara Jones, Cooke County
“You are a great nominee- that took a lot of courage and you did it
Malena Calderon
“You did something incredibly brave and fought for what you believed in. You were a dedicated prosecutor and are a great person
Margie Beinstock, Retired Assistant District Attorney, Dallas
“Thank you for your total involvement and tireless work representing Billie's interests and understanding and appreciating her wishes about her quality of life going forward. I can only imagine the stress you worked under! All your efforts and calm, non-irritating demeanor in court were so impressive to all, especially compared to the repetitious, often-irritating opposing attorney! I could tell the judge really seemed to welcome your quiet, efficient bearing in court and noticed more than a few times how her expression seemed to change to a lighter one when she looked your way. I will always be in your debt for your thoughtfulness in involving him and very hard work for Billie and our family. Love and hugs to YOU, Miss Cindy! You are a huge treasure for those caught up unexpectedly in hellacious times. :) Thank you again, Cindy.
Carol Jeanie English
“Your confidence level compared to opposing counsel could not be compared. You did a great job.
Janet Boyantonson, Dallas Attorney
‘I want to comment on the zealous efforts to both attorneys. Outstanding job.
Judge Ingrid Warren, Dallas
“just wanted to say how much of a lifesaver your small-firm books / toolkits are. Thank you so much for them!
Naval H. Patel, Attorney at Law Patel Law
“Just want to tell everyone what you did. Cindy Stormer didn’t just talk about it, she did it. You are the one who got Cynthia her raise she deserved. Thank you. You created Mental Health, No one could do the job you were doing. You and Dave wanted to get the job done. You were a friend. Cindy you were always there. You are family. You were a friend. You give the best answers. I miss you. You are missed. Your work was not in vain. I told everyone you did a great job. I appreciate you. You tried to make it better for everybody. You are an achiever and will continue to make a difference!! I am noticing that things are being done more professionally around here since you have been in this position. Things are moving faster and the right way since you have been in the position. People like you don't come around often in life!! THANK YOU!!!
Danette Dickson, Administrative Assistant Dallas District Attorney's Office
“ I know Cindy to be talented, articulate, highly experienced and reliable. I am delighted to serve as a reference for her.
Marilyn Wiley, Professor University of North Texas
““Everybody raves about Cindy because she so impartial. She just wants to do the right thing. Everybody loves Cindy. She is very strong, stood up for what was right.
Al Gilbertson, Dallas Attorney ON LOCAL NEWS
“I see you on the news, I'm really proud of you. You are doing a great job
Terry Humberson, Stephenville
“You are the best client I have worked with in a long time.
Nicolas Wale, Agent, Publisher
“I have spoke to so many people and have read comments by citizens and everyone supports you.
Edith Santos, Investigator Dallas District Attorney’s Office
“You have always been not only highly competent, but also of the highest ethics.
Michael R. Casillas, Attorney At Law Dallas
“You have been great. We appreciate the fact that you took the lead. This shows the organizational reserve to resolve this matter. We appreciate all your support.”
Brian Boykin, Federal Agent doing the review
“She's a great talent.
Richard Roper, Former US Attorney Northern District of Texas
“Admin Chief in our office is actually a backbone position due to the checks and balances that are expected from this position and Cindy Stormer is excellent for this spot. She is no stranger to hard work or being persistent in getting the results needed to ensure our office meets our goals. We work with lots of numbers and Cindy has to be the one to advise higher Administration on accurate responsible spending of tax payer dollars and that the appropriate funds are being utilized.
Danette Dickson, Adminstrative Assistant Dallas
“ I will miss you and I cannot ever properly thank you for all you have done for my family and me, words are just not enough. God bless you for all you do to serve others. Thank you,
Lisa Thorpe, Dallas
“Judge Hawk is telling everyone and everybody is giving the thumbs up. Everybody knows how hard you work and they know they can expect the same over there.
Randall Johnson, Chief Investigator Dallas District Attorney’s Office
Ms. Stormer, Thank you so much for all your help with this case. I can rest a lot easier Hopefully the results today will enable Steve to get the help he needs. Again, I so very much appreciate your help, your expediency in responding to the hearing and the effort made in keeping the neighborhood in the loop. Regards,
Karen Cargile, Dallas
“If anyone in this building has good mental health, it’s you.
B.W. Smith, Investigator Dallas District Attorneys Office
“Cindy Stormer has done a fantastic job. The Mental Health Division is the Dream Team.
Judge Hawk, Dallas
“I have heard really great things about you. Everyone says you guys are great and not like other prosecutors.
Caroline Simone, Dallas Defense Attorney
“Dear Cindy, You are a true inspiration and example for all to follow. Your positive outlook on live, your vast experience, your never ending compassion are unmistakable and visible for all to see. Thank you for taking a chance on me and helping me become a better prosecutor. I am so appreciative to have you as a mentor, role model, and friend! “I am always welcome to your suggestions.
Hilary Blake, Assistant District Attorney Dallas
“Very Impressive. I see how busy it can get! Thank you so much for sharing with me – I learned so much today and it has been helpful in seeing the work the Mental Health Division does for those coming through the courts who need assistance. I see that the Mental Health Division is a go-to division that collaborates to find the best solutions for defendants.
Erica Terrazas, Budget Department, Dallas
“I have been doing this a LONG time and I can’t tell you the change in the attitude of prosecutors. Before it was just ‘send them to jail’, now we are changing lives, helping people become productive again, giving families their loved ones back . . .Thank You. I want to commend the Mental Health Prosecutors for their work and for moving cases so fast. Before we had Mental Health Attorneys it used to take a very long time and people stayed in jail way too long. I just want to say thank you. You are wonderful partners in Mental Health. Cindy, We are so fortunate to have this kind of working relationship with your office and your team. Thanks again for all your help and let us know if there is anything we can do to make this easier, efficient, and more effective for everyone involved.
Lynn Richardson, Chief of the Public Defender’s Office Dallas
“The Mental Health Division is the most pleasant, cooperative, and awesome. You are so calm and experienced. You do a fantastic job. I never have to worry about anything with you. You are all so happy when you come in here.”
Judge Shed of Aux court about the Mental Health Division:
“Thank you Cindy, for the lightning fast response and awesome assistance. If I ever can be of help to you, just let me know. Thank You
J Jones, Rowlett PD
“There are more good things said about you two each time we meet (jail population meeting) than anyone else. John Wiley Price (Dallas Commissioner) says ‘we got 2 people who are doing more than anyone else here’ (at Frank Crowley). Every meeting he is singing our praises.”
Pat Johnson, Crim. Ct Coordinator for all the County Courts
“Everything stops for you Cindy.
Dallas Judge Carter Thompson
“This is a great article and provides lots of good reasons to re-think current practices. I appreciate that you are encouraging new thinking among prosecutors in particular. I hope your piece has a big impact.
Dottie Carmichael, Research Scientist Texas A & M
“Ms. Stormer who is the ADA recognized for her interest in mental health and has done a great job in increasing MH/substance use awareness within the ADA’s office here in Dallas.
Dr. Judith Hunter to head of Tarrant Co MHMR
“I can't believe the caseload the three of handle and am amazed that you get it done.
Dr. Kristi Compton, Psychologist Dallas
“I had not met you oh my God, we wouldn’t have made it. You don’t have to reply. I know you’re busy saving people. Thanks for your friendship and . . .the angels watch over you.”
Bob Jones
“Dear Cindy, I heard your presentation on Competency was awesome and I hope you will consider doing it for our training session for the defense bar. Thanks so much,
Judge Kristin Wade, Dallas
Great job by Cindy Stormer on the informative mental health overview.
Judge Kristin Wade, Dallas, From the Behavioral Health Steering Committee newsletter.
"Hi , Cindy Stormer, I don’t know if you remember us but my name is Stephanie Marsh and I have a brother named Gregory Marsh And I always call you with bad news but I want to call you with some good news Because all those classes, that you put on him, the anger management, the substance abuse, all those classes that you made him attend, has really turned his life around He’s been staying clean and sober. He has his own apartment He hasn’t bothered my Dad who will be 91 next month. At first I said “Oh my God, he won’t be able to do all those classes. But he has been able to do them. They are drug testing him He has stabilized on his mental illness, he’s taking his medication, and he is just doing great. I just want you to know. Thank you so much, we love you. Keep on doing the great job. I know sometimes it is hard to make those decisions but thank you so much Cindy for caring enough to put all those stipulations on my brother. Because it has made his life totally different This is Stephanie Marsh. Thank you again Bye Bye. If you ever need me to vote for you or run your campaign. I will help you. You can use this message anyway you want."
Voice message from Stephanie Marsh of Dallas (complaining witness in a case Dallas)
“You have a great mental health team. Best attorneys in the office. All very good at what they do. Pleasant to work with.
Alison Grinter, Dallas Public Defender
“Cindy YOU are such a sweet and pleasant person.
Marium Uddin, Public Defender
“I just want to say thank you so much for coming to talk to us about Mental Health. It inspired me in so many ways I can’t even explain it. I never knew how many people are just mentally ill and to tell you the truth I am so happy blessed that my family friends or even me are not mentally ill. My favorite part was you showing us the brains. And I also never knew how bad drugs and alcohol can mess you up on the inside and out. Thanks again.
Chrisden McGensy (high school student).
“What fun it was to have you in training. I just loved getting to know you better and learning from you. You are truly an inspiration to us all. Thank you so much for opening up and agreeing to be a part. I look forward to many more memories with you. We are going to be coming to you in the future. You have such a calming influence.
Rachael Jones, Assistant United States Attorney Northern District
"I would most like to acknowledge, Cindy, after everything she has been through & she brings so much wisdom and spirituality with everything she says.
Larissa Rhoeder, Assistant District Attorney Dallas, Restorative Justice Training
“Dallas is the gold standard for OCR (Outpatient Competency Restoration which Stormer oversaw). Dallas always meets or exceeds standards. The OCR program in Dallas is the best in State. I never worry about Dallas.”
Courtney Heard, with the Department of State Health Services, who oversees the Outpatient Competency Restoration (OCR) program for the State
“Cindy you have no idea how much I appreciate your trying to give Josh some guidance. He respects you greatly as do I, and you may be the one remaining person that he will listen to and heed your words. . . .Thank you so very much for this. I really care about all of you too and . . have always loved you all.
Suzanne H.
“I was just speaking to Sherry Cusumano, our Director on what a remarkable job the District Attorney’s offices are doing for mentally ill offenders. Thanks so much ..
Mary Ann Niles, Green Oaks
“The Mental Health article was really informative, I learned a lot.
Kerry Young, Staff Attorney for Dallas Judges
“That article you prepared is great!!!! I think that every prosecutor in the office should have to read it so that they can at least have some understanding of mental health and what is required in mental health cases. . . Thanks for sending it to me! Good luck with your presentation!! Also I absolutely love the last line. I might steal it for my big felony trials down the road! Justice is that mysterious phenomenon which corrects the wrongs of mankind. It is mercy for those who deserve it and it is swift and uncompromising punishment for those who don’t.
Law Chang, Former Assistant District Attorney Dallas
“You are still the smartest, most talented and successful, most beautiful, and loveliest person I have ever met.
Angela Chaparro, former Administrative Assistant District Attorney’s Office and former employee in private law practice
“Ms. Stormer: I can't thank you enough for the most thorough, proactive work done on our behalf. We're grateful for the "no lo contendre" verdict, as we are certain that it is the result of your work, which really left no room for defense. I am truly grateful for all you've done. Sincerely,
Paula D. Brown, Executive Director/Principal,A. W. Brown-Fellowship Charter School
“Cindy Stormer is my hero.”
Professor John Stickles, Innocence Project UTA
“I can not express to you how grateful I am for you, taking the time to disect these cases and pointing out the legal flaws. I knew there were legal issues, but with not being that familiar with the law I had no idea what they really were. You made things so much easier by being able to cover that spectrum of it. These guys are both such wonderful human beings on the inside and due to that it makes you want to work so much harder to help get them justice and get them home. You have not yet met them to know this, but once you do, you will see that they both deserved all the time and energy that it took. For me there could never be a greater reward than seeing them both get to come home and be reunited with their families. Yesterday, you put a huge smile on my face and a happy place in my heart. Thanks Again,
Natalie Ellis, with the Innocence Project